Local Application of heat and cold to the body can be therapeutic, but before using these therapies, the nurse must: understand normal body responses to application of heat and cold how and when to use.
What are the effects of applying heat to the body? What are the effects of applying cold to the body?
What are the Safety Risks associated with this situation? Explain. Mrs. K. goes to physical therapy daily and is placed in a large warm water whirlpool from her waist down.
Mr. X. has an ice pack to his ankle. What is the purpose of applying this ice pack? How long will the nurse leave it on the ankle? What if the nurse leaves it on the ankle for a longer period of time?
Maximum vasoconstriction occurs when the skin temperature reaches 15 0 or in about ____minutes to one hour. When the rebound phenomenon takes over, the body will now _________ as a protective device to prevent the body tissue from freezing Recovery time of ____ ____ is best before reapplication.
Heat produces maximum vasodilation in _______minutes. Continuation beyond the maximum time causes a rebound phenomenon in which the the blood vessels will ______________?
Mrs. D. puts on her call light and asks the nurse to come to the room and check her heating pad to her leg. She states that it does not feel warm and must not be working. How would the nurse respond? What is the purpose of applying heat to a body part?
What factors influence a patient’s ability to tolerate heat or cold?
Neuro-sensory impairment Impaired mental status Impaired circulation Immediately after surgery or injury Hemorrhage
Check the order for type of application, body area to be treated, frequency of application, length of time. Identify the patient and assess general condition Assess the skin area where application going Check functioning of equipment Reassess patient and response in 15 minutes Stop treatment at designated time Examine the place where the treatment will occur. Record the patient’s response
What are the complications of applying heat or cold to the body?
Numbness Burns Blotching Ischemia of Tissue Pain Maceration
◦ Aquatherma pad, K-pad, disposable instant heat pack, gel-filled heat packs, heating pad, heat lamp, thermal blanket ◦ Sitz bath, compresses, whirlpool therapy, paraffin bath
◦ Ice bags, ice gloves, ice collars, chemical cold packs, hypothermia blanket ◦ Cold soaks, cold packs, cooling sponge baths