School Strategic Planning School Councils
Why are we doing strategic plans? “The biggest challenge confronting education in Australia is how to overcome the gaps between high performing and low performing students which exist across all school sectors” (The Victorian Minister for Education and Training, Lynne Kosky Educating all Young Australians, 2004)
What is strategic planning? Strategy, properly formulated, should provide the central point around which a school community can focus and unite to ensure that every child at the school can get the best possible education. A strategic plan is your school’s voice.
School Strategic Plan DecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJan School Self-Evaluation School Review School Strategic Plan
What outcomes are we trying to achieve? Student learning –e.g. reading, writing, maths Student engagement & well being –e.g. attendance, positive relationships, safety Student pathways & transition –Into, through and between schools
Strategic Planning Elements Purpose Values Context Goals Targets Key improvement strategies
Purpose and Values Purpose = fundamental reason for existing –A purpose statement often has two core elements: Who are we serving? What do we wish to provide them with? Values = timeless and unchanging, as opposed to operating practices and strategies which should change
Context Understanding the external environment, AND What’s happening inside the school
Context Understanding the external environment What’s happening inside the school Tools: –SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) –Mind mapping
Goals, Targets, Strategies… Goals = what student outcomes we are seeking to improve; aspirational; describe level of improvement Targets = intended performance results; specific, measurable, time-bound Key Improvement Strategies = 3 – 5 key broad activities that the school will undertake to achieve the level of desired improvement in the Goals & Targets over the four year period
School strategic planning template Student LearningStudent Engagement and Wellbeing Student Pathways and Transitions Goals Targets Key Improvement Strategies # 1 # 2 # 3 Purpose: Values: Context:
Key questions for school council What outcomes is the school trying to achieve for our students? Where are we now? What does the school need to do? How will the school manage its resources to achieve these outcomes? How will we know if these outcomes have been achieved?
Strategic Planning Do: Get input from your community Leave off the rose coloured glasses Consider the people issues Prioritise your strategic choices Start simple
Strategic Planning Don’t: Forget to consider how you will resource your plan File your plan away and only look at it once a year when reflecting on progress Create a set of “wish lists” – your plan must be practical and do-able Crowd the plan with operational issues
Relationship between Strategic Plans and Annual Implementation Plans
For more information index.htm (for all strategic planning guidelines, templates and reports) index.htm p ( Blueprint for Government Schools ) p School System Development Division