Conference papers & proceedings
Many conference papers are published in journals and some may be released before a conference takes place. Other papers may not find their way to journals but may nevertheless be of interest to the researcher.
Perhaps one of the most important resources for conference proceedings is Web of Science with Conference ProceedingsWeb of Science with Conference Proceedings
The search page has drop down menus to enable you to search by conference. linguistics We will search for linguistics
You can refine these results by clicking on the arrow alongside conference titles
We will click on more options
We will look at this conference by clicking on it and then on refine You now get a fuller list of conference titles
And here are the 15 papers given at this conference
Web of Science is a multi-disciplinary database. There are other subject specific databases. For example IEEExploreIEEExplore There is a conference proceedings browse option
There is Engineering Village 2Engineering Village 2 You can limit by conference article Or you can search /limit by conference proceeding Conference proceeding
There is the ACM Digital Librarythe ACM Digital Library Click here for access to full text ACM proceedings Note also TOC service
There is Conference Papers IndexConference Papers Index Conference Papers provides citations to papers and poster sessions presented at major scientific meetings around the world. Subject emphasis since 1995 has been in the life sciences, environmental sciences and the aquatic sciences A search using the terms music and games gives 4 results
The 4 results
There are also freely available conference links on the WEB. See the following slides for some of the best.
There is the British Library catalogue which can be searched for conferencesBritish Library Search the Integrated Catalogue
Now click on catalogue subset search
Click on Document Supply Conferences
drama We will search for drama and NOT exact phrase
If we click on record no.9 we get full bibliographic information
There is the Bibliography of British and Irish History. A search under proceedings brings up over 11,000 hits. These hits are the constitute papers of the conferences
There is IntuteIntute Conference proceedings A search for conference proceedings in all subjects brings up over 500 records
There is
There is Conference AlertsConference Alerts
And finally there are United Nations conferencesUnited Nations conferences