Grants and Proposal Writing Sheila Snow-Croft, MA, MLIS Outreach Education Coordinator NN/LM S/EA 2011
Agenda Common mistakes The Lingo Funding Opportunities Basic elements of a proposal The Budget Program Planning Pointers and Pitfalls
Common Mistakes
Idea ≠ Grant purpose Ignoring instructions Vague objectives Poor writing Last minute writing Typos Assuming reviewers are experts in field Using buzzwords Inaccurate costs Budget ≠ Narrative
The Lingo RFP: request for proposals RFA: request for applications PA: program announcement Application Letter of intent Letter of application
Funding Opportunities
NN/LM Funding: Government Grants: – NLM: – – NIH: – HHS: –Institute of Museum and Library Services
Funding Opportunities (continued) Private Organizations –American Library Association: –Foundation Center: –MLA Grants and Scholarships
NN/LM Funding Application Form only for all awards except Outreach Project Awards Outreach Project requires an initial application SE/A funding opportunities: SE/A current funding opportunities: Network membership required (FREE)
The Proposal
Getting Started Start early Be clear about your reasons Have a plan: don’t chase the money Form a working group Review the RFP written guidelines Submit a Letter of Intent –Letter is not binding –Provide: Name, Institution, Date Pay attention to any deadlines Contact funder if you need any assistance
Before the Proposal Gather background information on the need to be addressed Identify project needs – Staffing – Equipment – Supplies Sketch a rough draft of the budget Determine who will write the proposal
Tips on Writing Make a cohesive argument Always remember your plan Avoid excessive jargon Think of the reviewer – No unnecessary information Revise Have someone else read the proposal Edit
Sections of the Proposal Plan Need Evaluate Method Summary Budget
Summary Statement Summarize the proposal Answer: who, what, how, how much Why is there a need? Include specifics: examples, statistics What are you going to do to solve this need? Also called executive summary
Population/Geographic Area Identify target group Identify geographic area Use background data (examples, statistics) Be as specific as possible: –Demographics –Socioeconomic data –Census information- Populations Statement of need – We are so needy/poor that…
Identification of Need How do you know there is a need? Research your/other organizations’ efforts –What is being done currently? Did it work? –What has been done in the past? How will your project be different? How will the project address the need?
Goal and Objectives What do you want to accomplish? List goal and objectives to reach goal –Goal: Increase rural professionals’ use of PubMed –Objectives: Conduct training sessions at the Red River & Clausen county health departments Develop liaison between Reference Librarian and Regional Health Directors Publicize library’s Reference-by-Phone program Use action words: increase, reduce, expand List each goal individually
Establish Baseline Data How will you determine “starting point”? Baseline data allows you to determine success or failure of the project Does not need to be completed prior to submission of proposal A generic baseline questionnaire is available from NN/LM S/EA
Facilities/Institutional Support Describe the organization/institution What makes your organization unique? List services or facilities that will be used in the project Detail any support provided by partner organizations, library, university etc. Any other source of funding Letters of support
Methodology and Approach How will you address the need? How will you meet each objective? –Details, details, details Timeline from start to finish Project Staff –What are their qualifications? –Resume or CV
Evaluation Must be measurable and quantifiable Use baseline data Evaluate each goal and objective Outreach and Evaluation Research Center (OERC) –Measuring the Difference: Guide to Planning and Evaluating Health Information Outreach by Catherine M. Burroughs MLS. Available online at
Continuation of Activities Will the project be continued after period of funding ends? –Indicates belief in the project –Future funding needed? What will be done with the information gathered during the project?
Putting it Together Title: Make it descriptive, not clever Include a table of contents Do not bind the proposal Appendices: – Charts, graphs – Evaluation form – CV from every staff member – Any letters of support
Private Grants Proposals average 5-7 pages in length Proposal: – Cover letter – Executive Summary – Statement of Need – Project Description – Budget – Organization Information – Conclusion Letter of application may be required
The Budget
Step 1 Contact Grants or Accounting office in your institution for Indirect Cost Rate (IDC) Indirect Cost: Costs not readily identifiable with a particular cost objective, but necessary to the operation of the institution to conduct the activities it performs Not all awards permit Indirect Costs
The Budget (cont.) Step 2 Highlight each item in the narrative that will appear in the budget –Conversely, every item that appears in the budget must be described in the narrative Break down each item into parts; be intuitive Equipment$1000 Equipment Dell computer Model #$900 Remote Mouse$100
The Budget (cont.) Step 3 Ensure that the RFP allows for funding of the items included in narrative –If you include items not listed in the budget section of the RFP, contact the funding institution to discuss. They want to hear from you.
The Budget (cont.) Step 4 In-kind contributions or waived fees must be stated or discussed in the proposal –Be as explicit as possible in all descriptions in the narrative. Reviewers may not be familiar with your concepts or environment. Avoid acronyms.
The Budget (cont.) Step 5 Specifications Quotes Hourly Rates Salary breakdowns Travel –Miles per gallon –Per diem
The Budget (cont.) Step 6 Is your budget realistic? –Consider the period of performance of the project in relation to the amount of recurring expenditures, e.g. reproduction, supplies, communication, travel Don’t request more than you need Don’t cut yourself short
The Budget (cont.) Step 7 Make sure figures add up correctly Proposed budget should not surpass the total funding amount Indirect Costs + Direct Costs = Total
Program Planning
Need Statement The Winston Memorial Library proposes to increase access to easy-to-read patient educational materials on the Internet at three clinics in Winston County Texas. The Easy-to- Read Healthy-for-You (ERHY) project will provide training for clinic staff on Internet resources. It will also place up to three wireless computers in each clinic location. The Winston Memorial Library respectfully requests $19,973 for support of this contract
Identification of Target Population Winston County Texas, located 50 miles south of Houston, Texas has a population of 2200 people, mainly rural and low income. According to the latest census data, an estimated 26.7% of the population lives under the poverty level. The majority of Winston County’s residents read at a fifth grade level or below. Unfortunately, most patient education materials are produced at an 8 th grade level resulting in a population poorly equipped to make informed health decisions.
Project Goals and Objectives Goal: To increase access to easy-to-read patient educational materials on the Internet for three clinics –Objective 1: Provide training to clinic staff on patient educational materials on the Internet Rationale –Objective 2: Place up to three wireless computers in each clinic in Winston County Rationale
Winston County Memorial Library will provide the following Internet training classes to clinic staff: – What is the Internet? Class description – How to Search the Web Class description – Health Resources on the Web Class description – Patient Education Materials on the Web Methodology
Final Thoughts Plan, Plan, Plan Apply Early –Applications make take 9 months to go through the process Follow directions! Learn from rejection Resubmit
Remember: It all Starts with an Idea
QUESTIONS? Sheila Snow-Croft