Romans 5:12-21 Death in Adam but the Assurance of Life in Jesus A. 5:1-11 -assurance of future glory B. 5: basis for this assurance in work of Christ C. 6:1-23 -the problem of sin C’.7:1-25 -the problem of the law B’. 8:1-17 -ground for assurance in the work of Christ A’. 8: assurance of future glory Chapters 5-8 Chiastic Overview
Sin= Guilt= Death (spiritual & physical) Verse 12 and the Importance of Its Understanding All humanity sinned “in and with” Adam. The results for ALL of humanity are twofold: 1). Imputed Guilt of Adam (Physical Death) Adam’s sin and condemnation became ours. While actual/personal sin was in the world prior to the Mosaic Law, people died, NOT because of their personal transgressions against specific commands from God (as with the Adamic Prohibition or the Mosaic Law), BUT because of the imputation of Adam’s sin and guilt to us as humans. 2). Original Sin (Spiritual Death) Has its origin in Adam’s sin and speaks of our fallen inherent depravity as being dead in our trespasses and unable to do anything pleasing to God without His gift of regeneration. This is our evil rebellious sin-nature. “We sin because we are sinners.” Romans 5:12-21 Death in Adam but the Assurance of Life in Jesus Righteousness= Freedom= Life (spiritual and physical)
Sin= Guilt= Death (spiritual & physical) Righteousness= Freedom= Life (spiritual and physical) Romans 5:12-21 Death in Adam but the Assurance of Life in Jesus Grace=Assurance=Gospel “The universal consequences of Adam’s sin are the assumption of Paul’s argument; the power of Christ’s act to cancel those consequences is its goal” (Moo). Verses 15-17: The free gift of the Greater Adam, Jesus, is not like the trespass of the Old Adam that results in condemnation and death but, instead, results in justification. Recipients of this abundant free gift “enjoy a transfer from [the dominion of guilt] to the [life-giving dominion of righteousness]” (Moo).
Sin= Guilt= Death (spiritual & physical) Righteousness= Freedom= Life (spiritual and physical) Romans 5:12-21 Death in Adam but the Assurance of Life in Jesus Dominion of Guilt -Sin Reigns Dominion of Righteousness -Grace Reigns Verse 17 – death reigns through Adam’s trespass Verse 18 – condemnation in Adam Verse 19 – Adam’s disobedience made us sinners Verse 20 – Law increases trespasses Verse 21 – sin reigns [through imputed guilt and in death] leading to death Verse 17 – life reigns through Jesus’ gift of righteousness Verse 18 – justification and life in Jesus Verse 19 – Jesus’ obedience makes us righteous Verse 20 – Grace abounds even more Verse 21 – grace reigns through righteousness leading to life through Jesus