WORK PROGRAMME 2014 – 2015 Topic ICT 9: Tools and Methods for Software Development Odysseas I. PYROVOLAKIS European Commission DG CONNECT Software & Services, Cloud
ICT 9: Software The Challenge Need: Software of excellent quality (reliability, resilience and automatic adaptation) for complex & critical systems Need for innovative tools and methods for software development Why: To improve the growth and competitiveness of the European industry To encourage faster innovation cycles in software To increase European software industry's competitiveness. Focus on systems: large and interoperable software systems Focus on application domains: industrial and public sector applications 21 M €; Small projects; R&I Actions
ICT 9: Software Theme 1: Software tools and methods for large, complex and data-intensive systems Tools and methods for evolving software systems (especially for complex and secure business-critical systems) Integrity, robustness, reliability and resilience as built-in characteristics. Coverage of the whole software lifecycle. Innovation in managing the complexity of large software and data-intensive systems, Inclusion of simulation, testing and verification
ICT 9: Software Theme 2: Software architectures and tools for highly distributed applications Novel approaches in distributed applications' lifecycle management. Focus on development, deployment, management and dynamic reconfiguration Architectures and tools to maximise quality of experience in elastically scalable applications. Interest on data location, latency and data throughput in heterogeneous cloud environments Inclusion of specialised hardware resources and sensors
ICT 9: Software Expected impact Direct Impact Productivity increase in the development, testing, verification, deployment and maintenance of data-intensive systems and highly distributed applications; Innovative tools for handling complex software systems. Credible demonstration that larger and more complex problems can be effectively and securely tackled; Long term impact Use cases of productivity gains for EU industry.
ICT 9: Software FP7 project portfolio in Software Advanced Software Engineering MODAClouds MIDAS PROWESS U-QASAR ARTIST MARKOS RISCOSS OSSMETER Call 1 Call 5 Call 8 Call
ICT 9: Software Key actors Leading players European software industries Software related research institutes/university labs Specialized SMEs (apps providers, web & cloud service providers) Relevant European Technology Platform Networked European Software and Services Initiative (NESSI)
ICT 9: Software Background documents 1."Toward a Strategic Agenda for Software Technologies in Europe", Information Society Technologies Advisory Group (ISTAG ), July "Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda", Networked European Software and Services Initiative (NESSI), April Public Consultation on Cloud Computing, Software and Services, European Commission, March Post – consultation Workshop, European Commission, 14 April