What is activism? Animals, consciousness, sentience Cosmetic testing Educational use Speciesism – what is it? Animal activism & how we work for justice for animals What YOU can do!
What does it mean to be ‘conscious’? Aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake. Aware of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings. Q: Are animals conscious?
A bit of history… ANIMALS AS MACHINES RENE DESCARTES ( ) “father of modern philosophy” Humans: body & mind—reason, thought Animals: body only—no consciousness, no awareness or thought & NO PAIN!
Dude, we’re conscious and we’re SENTIENT! …able to perceive & feel things. …aware of sensations and emotions, of feeling pain and suffering, and of experiencing a state of well being. Sentient beings value their lives and have an interest in living.
Cosmetic Testing on Animals
“The federal regulations for the approval of new drugs or pesticides require animal test data, while cosmetic safety laws simply require that product safety be demonstrated.” ~American Physiological Society “The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (regulated by the Food and Drug Admin.) prohibits the sale of mislabeled and ‘adulterated’ cosmetics, but does not require that animal tests be conducted to demonstrate that the cosmetics are safe.” ~HSUS *Use ingredients already tested (5000+) *Use existing non-animals tests (nearly 50 validated for use including artificial tissue & test tube method) *Continue to invest in & develop new non-animal tests (animal tests: cruel, unreliable, time-consuming, expensive)
Cosmetic Testing on Animals Which countries have banned testing? -European Union—28 member states (finished products, 2004; ingredients, 2008) -Norway -Israel -India -Considering bans: Australia, New Zealand, & U.S.
Cosmetic Testing on Animals The Humane Cosmetics Act, HR 4148 A bill to phase out cosmetic animal testing and the sale of cosmetics tested on animals. -introduced March 5, Rep. Jim Moran, VA (D, 8 th ) -no committee votes yet -55 co-sponsors (54 D, 1 R)
Educational use of animals Froguts Inc. is a Bio-eLearning company focused on creating engaging virtual dissection, general science, life science, and lab software. Software modules and labs for K-12 and higher education engage students with immersive experiences into the world of science around all of us. Products include: frog, squid, starfish, cow eye, fetal pig 18 states have laws requiring schools to provide virtual dissection alternatives for students!
WHAT IS… RACISM? Discrimination or prejudice based on race WHAT IS… SEXISM? Discrimination or prejudice based on sex WHAT IS… SPECIESISM? Discrimination or prejudice based on species Discrimination is an action that treats others unfairly because of their membership in a particular group.
Animal activism: Working to overcome speciesism Nonhuman animals can’t speak in their own defense. They need humans to speak out and act on their behalf…to raise awareness, to educate others, to work at changing laws. How can we do that? Decide where we stand then educate ourselves first Be a great role model for others Raise awareness & educate without being preachy Find the courage to speak up and act on something when we know it’s the right thing to do Join with others or act alone Get busy!!!
My own animal activism
Animal activism can include: Zoo exploitation Rodeo cruelty Factory farms Trophy hunting Fur farming Pig wrestling Wildlife issues Roadkill & wildlife crossings Horse slaughter
Animal activism can include: Dog fighting Bear pits ESA protection Wolves/predators Dairy industry Balloon releases Captive marine mammals Trapping
Animal activism can include: Circus exploitation Feral cats Lobsters & crabs Puppy mills Bacon craze Horse & greyhound racing Climate change and more…
WHAT CAN *YOU* DO? Contact your MT Representative to Congress and ask him or her to support & co- sponsor the Humane Cosmetics Act.
Method cleaners at Target Seventh Generation cleaners
WHAT CAN *YOU* DO? …other ideas… Letters to the editor Foster a homeless animal Adopt a homeless animal Volunteer – donate time Fundraiser – donate money Start a club or group Facebook page – educate Get involved in politics Stop and think before you buy Speak out against cruelty and exploitation – IT’S FREE!
Remember – nonhuman animals can’t speak for themselves. They need compassionate humans who care about justice for ALL to stand up for them. Is that you?!? Remember – nonhuman animals can’t speak for themselves. They need compassionate humans who care about justice for ALL to stand up for them. Is that you?!?
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” ~MLK When you truly care about an issue of injustice, SILENCE IS NOT AN OPTION! When you truly care about an issue of injustice, SILENCE IS NOT AN OPTION!
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with you today. YOU ROCK!!! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with you today. YOU ROCK!!!