Exploring our Solar System P2f part 1
Objectives In this lesson we should learn: about the bodies in space that make up the Universe why planets and moons stay in orbits about the planets in our Solar System, producing a model of the Solar System
Outcomes Foundation Paper You should now be able to.. Know that: Earth is one of a number of planets that orbit the Sun: the Moon orbits Earth; Earth orbits the Sun and the relative positions of Earth, Sun and planets Know that the Universe consists of: stars and planets, comets and meteors, black holes, large groups of stars called galaxies Describe why stars can be seen even though they are far away Describe that gravitational force determines the motion of planets and satellites Higher paper Know the relative positions of planets, stars, comets, meteors, galaxies and black holes Know that circular motion requires a centripetal force and that gravity provides the centripetal force for orbital motion
The Universe Moon Cluster StarMeteor Sun Universe Earth Asteroid Galaxy Planet Can you put them in order of size?
Cluster Galaxy Star and Sun Planet and Earth Moon Asteroid Meteor Our universal address would be: Weatherhead high School, Breck road, Wallasey, CH44 3HS, England, Europe, Earth, Sol, Milky Way Galaxy, Andromeda Cluster, The Universe.
3 Types of Galaxies 1)Elliptical – oval shaped, no arms, little gas or dust clouds 2)Spiral – bulging nucleus (the center) with a least two arms that contain great clouds of gas & dust coming out on opposite sides (3/4 of all) 3)Irregular – stars spread unevenly, no distinct shape, least common
Barred Spiral
Black holes The gravity on neutron stars, white dwarfs and black dwarfs is so strong that it crushes atoms, so the matter in stars is millions of times denser than anything on earth. A black hole is formed if enough of this dense matter is left behind after a supernova explosion then the gravitational field is so strong that nothing can escape not even light. Scientists know they exist using x-rays
Black Holes
The intense gravitational field left when a giant star collapses
Satellites Path followed by satellite Path followed if gravity switched off Pull of gravity Earth
Useful orbits There are TWO main orbits that are useful called POLAR and EQUATORIAL. POLAR -The orbit is close to the Earth, only just above the atmosphere. With a good camera you can see the headlines on a newspaper!
Because the Earth spins the satellite will ‘see’ every part of the Earth once every 24 hours. This orbit is used for spy and weather satellites. Polar orbits
Equatorial orbits At the right distance the satellite will take 24 hours to orbit the Earth. Because the Earth is also spinning once each 24 hours the satellite stays above the same place on the Earth all the time. We call this a GEOSTATIONARY orbit. This orbit is used for communication satellites, like Sky TV.
Outcomes Foundation Paper You should now be able to.. KK now that: Earth is one of a number of planets that orbit the Sun: the Moon orbits Earth; Earth orbits the Sun and the relative positions of Earth, Sun and planets KK now that the Universe consists of: stars and planets, comets and meteors, black holes, large groups of stars called galaxies DD escribe why stars can be seen even though they are far away DD escribe that gravitational force determines the motion of planets and satellites Higher paper KK now the relative positions of planets, stars, comets, meteors, galaxies and black holes KK now that circular motion requires a centripetal force and that gravity provides the centripetal force for orbital motion
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