OUR SOLAR SYSTEM Our solar system is nearly 5 billion years old. There are eight planets in space Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and the dwarf planet Pluto. Our solar system is known as the Milky Way Galaxy. There are a lot more galaxies throughout the universe.
The Sun The sun is the center of our galaxy. At around 1,392,000 kilometers the suns diameter is 110 times greater than earth’s diameter. The sun is 5 billion years old.
Mercury Mercury is only the size of earth’s moon. A year on Mercury is only 88 days. Although it is the closest planet to the sun it is still 58 million miles from the sun.
Venus On Venus it snows metal and rains sulphuric acid. Venus is about the same size as earth. Venus is the third brightest object in the sky only the sun and moon appear brighter.
EARTH Earth is the only planet to have an atmosphere of 21% oxygen. It’s also the only planet to support life. It is also the only planet to have water on its surface.
Mars Mars is often called the Red Planet. A year on Mars is 320 days.
ASTEROID BELT There are at least 7,000 asteroids. The asteroid belt is made up of rocks and asteroids.
JUPITER Jupiter is often known as one of the gas giants. Jupiter has 63-64 moons.
SATURN Saturn is another one of the gas giants. Saturn has at least 31 moons. It’s atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium.
URANUS Uranus rotates on its side. Uranus has at least 27 moons. Uranus is another gas giant.
NEPTUNE Neptune’s atmosphere is mainly hydrogen and helium. Neptune has at least 13 moons. Winds can reach 1200 mph on Neptune.
PLUTO If you’re 60 on Earth you are 14,940 on Pluto. From Pluto the Sun looks like any other small star in the night sky. Pluto’s atmosphere is mostly nitrogen.
TELESCOPES Telescopes allow you to see deeper into the night sky. There are many brands of telescopes.
BLACK HOLE Black holes cannot be seen directly because they are black and no light can escape from them. Black holes do suck up planets but the likeliness of one sucking up Earth has one in a trillion possibility of it happening.
NEBULA The Orion nebula is the closest to Earth and is 1300 light years away. Some nebulas can be seen with the naked eye.
COMETS A comet is made up of ice, rock, and dust. One well known comet is Halley’s comet.
CONSTELLATIONS Constellations are an imaginary picture you make using stars. One example is Orion.
AXIS Earth’s axis is one of the reasons Earth has the four seasons. It takes 24 hours for Earth to rotate once around it’s axis.
UNIVERSE The universe is everything that exists in space. There are many galaxies in space.
GALAXIES The Milky Way is our galaxy. All the galaxies have millions of stars. GALAXIES
DWARF PLANETS There are 5 dwarf planets in our solar system. There are other dwarf planets in other solar systems.
GRAVITY Gravity is the thing that keeps us on the ground. It’s also the reason earth continues to orbit the sun.
LIGHT It takes the sun’s light 8 minutes to travel to Earth. Light is the reason it isn’t dark all the time.
STARS Stars are giant burning balls of superheated gasses. Stars make constellations.