Age Verification and Identification Specialists New Driver’s license New Driver’s license Reading Technology Reading Technology Presents: Secure-Tech Peripherals inc.
TheSolution ID-e Driver License Scanners are built Rugged for longer life. Secure-Tech Peripherals inc.
Who Needs Secure ID-e Scanners? Convenience Stores Campus Security Night Clubs Government Offices Stadiums Drug Stores Liquor Stores Casinos & VIP Clubs Restaurants Crowed Control
Marc Myers - official legal counsel Ohio Licensed Beverages Association “Simply glancing at a driver's license is not enough to utilize the complete defense.”
You Check IDs. Do You Have Proof? Know For Sure… that your stores, venues and campuses have a documented history of due diligence’ and ‘reasonable effort’ against fake IDs
“Affirmative Defense” precedence Texas Senate Bill 1465 An ‘ Affirmative Defense’ against a charge of selling or otherwise distributing age sensitive products [ cigarettes or other tobacco products, or selling beer, intoxicating liquor, or low-alcohol beverages ] to an underage person is valid if a transaction scan of the person's driver's license, commercial driver's license, or identification card indicates it is valid and the scan is reasonably relied upon.
Why Do I Need An ID-e Scanner? “The law provides a complete defense to a permit holder charged with an underage sale, provided the seller requires proper ID and takes some additional steps.”
What Are These Steps? Electronically read encoded ID data on magnetic strip and/or 2D barcode Compare this data to front of license or ID for additional validation Automatically store scanned ID data for legal backup
Affirmative Defense Steps Use an electronic or biometric scanning device that will uniquely identify patron or student. Train employees to use scanner properly. Allow each employee access to scanner for ID checks. [ Only Manager/ Owner should have access to the database software ].
What Will My ID-e Scanner Tell Me? “Everything I need to know to make a sale….”
Instantly Displays Age On Bright Easy-To-Read Screen
Out Of Date ID Does This D.O.B. Match the Front?
Compare Magnetic Stripe or 2D- Barcode Data With Front of ID To Help Determine Fakes License Number Date of Issue Sex, Height, Weight Eye Color, Hair Color Duplicate?
Easy Upload Provides Proof Of ID Checks Holds up to 4000 records Time-Date Stamped for Legal Backup Upload Records to PC using “ID- Easy” Compliance Software Instant Labels with One Click Invite Today’s Guests To Tomorrow’s Events !
Did You Know? Many State Laws Are Rapidly Changing AUGUST 27, 2006 / NEW YORK - Senators Jeffrey D. Klein (D- Bronx/Westchester) and Martin Connor (D-Brooklyn/Manhattan), today proposed legislation that would modify existing law to “..require merchants who sell alcohol or tobacco products to use advanced ID scanner systems to validate driver licenses and non-driver ID cards presented as proof of the buyers legal age”. Its only a matter of time…..
Only TriCom ID-e Scanners Are Yellow ( For a Reason ) Stop Underage Drinkers From Even Coming In… Post This Sign ! The ID-e ‘Yellow’ Scanner Is Becoming the most widely recognized and the most feared by FakeID ‘artists’ and underage drinkers
Why Buy ID-e Scanners? Software upload proves employees are, in fact, checking IDs which then…. Significantly reduces possibility of fines Greatly reduces possibility of human error/DOB calculations Often lowers insurance premiums Promotes positive community image Very simply…
…it’s the right thing to do. Do your part, Be ID Smart!
~ Know Your Customers ~ Increase Customer Base and Profits in 3 Easy Steps 1.Upload scanned data (4000 records) into Excel or other spreadsheet 2.Use ID-e Software to organize data for marketing reports 3.Sort data and instantly create labels for mailers with just two clicks !
ID Scans Create Instant Customer Database
Create Custom Reports and….
…Labels With One Click ! Scan IDs Tonight….Send Postcards Advertising Your Next Event ~ Tomorrow !
Create A Database, Visitor Badge, Club Card or Wristband Instantly Upload Scans Sort By Name, Address Filter Data For VIP Clubs or Banned Patrons Upgrade and Create Custom Reports
Just Ask Our TriCom Customers… 7-11 C-Stores American Express - Japan Circle K ……C-Stores ! Buffalo Wild Wings Dept of Home Land Security House of Blues – Corp. Office LA County Courthouse Over 30 Major Casino’s Ohio State Troopers Stanford University US COAST GUARD Many more…
Be in the news for this? “Beer Vendor Found Liable For Selling Liquor To Minor” DUI
Or ~ Be In The News For This! “Community Cheers Stadium Owners For Taking Stand Against Underage Drinkers And Fake IDs”
TheSolution in partnership with ABC/Mothers Against Drunk Driving,/LCB/Health Departments & Retailers Everywhere Do your part,……Be ID Smart !! You can make a difference… ID-e Reader What is our mission? Promote electronic license scanning for all college stadiums and surrounding stores reduce underage drinking and presentation of fake IDs Educate- Eliminate Under Age Drinking. Reward Responsible Retailers Protect Your Bussiness Your Kids ! Your Neiborhood. Stop Under Age Drinking…
You Can Help Stop The Violence Among college students under age 21 – 97,000 experience alcohol-related date rape, Hingson et al., 2005 Hingson et al., 2005 [up from 93,000 in 2002] and 696,000 are assaulted by another student who has been drinking Hingson- 2005). Hingson [ up from 430,000 in 2002]
A USA TODAY survey … “…found that of the 119 schools in the NCAA's major football-playing Division I-A, nearly half (54 schools) still allow the sale of alcohol on campus.”
…even though, … 31 percent of college students met criteria for a diagnosis of alcohol abuse. Knight et al., 2002 … 1700 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die each year from alcohol-related unintentional injuries, including motor vehicle crashes and … Drug and alcohol related accidents are the #1 cause of death for college students followed closely by suicide due to alcohol-induced depression. The National College Health Risk Behavior Study Knight et al., 2002
Place your order today Receive Your ID-e Scanner this Week Secure-tech can help
ID-e Compliance Investment Main Terminal [ NO BARCODE READER ] $ Legal Compliance & Marketing Software $ Total Compliance Investment $ Optional: Main Terminal [with Bar Code Reader] $ Power Pack and Carrying Case 0.00 Legal Compliance & Marketing Software $ Total Compliance Investment $