Integrated Circuits
Integrated Circuit (IC) Semiconductor Devices Circuit inside a chip—lots of transistors inside Same Package, Different functions
Integrated Circuit All Integrated circuits have Datasheets Information: what it does, pin out diagram, electrical characteristics, heat dissipation info, physical dimensions
DIP DIP = Dual Inline Package What it is Pin 1 indicator Notch indicating front of DIP
Dual Inline Package—how to read
555 Timer Very popular Generate pulses Few ways to hook up – Astable (square wave) – Monostable (one pulse when triggered) – Bistable(simple memory, can be set and reset) – Schmitt Trigger (inverting buffer)
555 Astable Produces a square wave
555 Monostable Produces one pulse when triggered
555 Bistable
555 Schmitt Trigger
4017 Decade Counter
Counter “Counts” by keeping track of how many pulses the input has and turning on corresponding outputs link