Faculty Affairs Roundtable Enhancing Your Teaching APRIL


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Presentation transcript:

Faculty Affairs Roundtable Enhancing Your Teaching APRIL 23 2015 Leonie Gordon and Paul McDermott

MUSC Appointment, Promotion and Tenure guidelines • Teaching is a vital contribution for each regular faculty member, regardless of their track designation. • Commitments of faculty members to teaching vary considerably and depend on interests and skills of faculty . COM - College of Medicine Faculty Intramural Teaching Effort Report – 15 questions Relative importance of specific elements detailed in a rank and track specific matrix

Application Guidelines are available on line If specific requirements for track or rank are detailed, the reviewers will look for evidence that the requirements are met for promotion. Application packets that clearly detail the required elements and are prepared in the format suggested are easiest to review. • The most important role of the teacher is to motivate and inspire learners. Consider following questions- What do I teach? Why do I teach? How do I teach ? How do I measure my effectiveness as a teacher ?

Teaching Activities For MUSC PROMOTION 1. Involvement in formal medical school courses during the past 3-5 year: Name of course (repeat for each course taught) Frequency of course Number of student contact hours Number of students Types of students 2. Involvement in formal medical school courses during the past 3-5 year: Ethics -small groups for medical students Neuroscience for first year medical students

Concerns Of P/T Committee Do not use the template provided Without course numbers or dates to understand if the reported activities are in the time range requested Nothing to detail the extent of involvement

Educational products 5. Course materials (syllabi, readings, handouts, examinations) developed by the candidate. Indicate how these materials were used in the course. Please limit material submitted to a maximum of 20 pages. Applicant response - NA (not applicable) Reviewer response – NA (not appropriate) This is the educators opportunity to showcase his/her best educational products. Advice Adhere to page limit Choose several high quality and innovative products Provide information about how and why product was developed Comment on education objectives and outcomes DON’T JUST COPY POWERPOINT HANDOUTS

Advising/Mentoring Service as an advisor for students, residents or fellows. Provide names of advisees over past 3 years. Joe Brown Ann White Rachel Smith Just providing names does not show how much time or effort you have spent. Provide outcomes of your students is helpful- published manuscripts ,completed the course and is now a faculty member

Teaching Evaluations Recommendations: Attach teaching evaluations from medical students, residents, fellows, postdocs, graduate students, etc. received during the last three years. Provide 1-2 evaluations per year. Limit to 20 pages. Recommendations: Submit only the number requested from the time frame indicated Provide a summary indicating which course evaluations you have submitted and the duration of the course and number of students For clerkships or electives offered throughout the year contact the COM Office of Assessment and Evaluation to receive cumulative evaluations. Do not edit the comments pages!

Why create aN education portfolio? A portfolio is a useful tool that can help you: • develop, clarify, and reflect on your teaching philosophy, methods and approaches – it is very helpful to create a teaching philosophy statement • present teaching credentials for hiring and promotion in an academic position. • document professional development in teaching. • identify areas for improvement.

Developing an Education Portfolio Your portfolio: • should be a well organized, polished and thorough accounting of your educational activities and scholarship. • should be maintained as a work in progress that is updated continuously throughout your academic career. • include selective examples of teaching materials such as syllabi, assignments and educational publications that best illustrate your teaching approach, methods and accomplishments. It should NOT be a holding place for all of your teaching materials and evaluations. • provide a summary of teaching evaluations, i.e., E*Values. The Office of Assessment and Evaluation is developing a summary of E*Values specifically for tenure and promotions.

Developing an Education Portfolio 1. Statement of Teaching Philosophy Provide a clear, concise accounting of your teaching approach, methods, and expertise. • Why do you teach? • What do you teach? • What is your approach to teaching? • How do you assess and improve your teaching? • Do you utilize innovative teaching methods and tools?

Developing an Education Portfolio 2. teaching activity • Years and Titles of Teaching Activity • Quantity (teaching hr per year) • Topic(s) of Teaching Activity • Types of Teaching (lecture or classoom setting, small groups, clinic, simulation, bedside teaching, etc.) • Levels of Outreach (institutional, state, regional, national and international) • Types of Learners (students, residents, faculty) • Number of Learners per activity

Developing an Education Portfolio 3. Curriculum/assessment development • Type of Curriculum or Assessment Tool • Class/Group Size • Types of Learners (students, residents, faculty) • Date(s) and Site(s) of Implementation • Levels of Outreach (institutional, state, regional, national and international) •Your Specific Role in Development

Developing an Education Portfolio 4. Advising and Mentoring • Nature of Mentoring Activity/Advising Activity • Types of Mentees (students, residents, fellows, faculty) • Number of Mentees/year • Selected Outcomes of Individuals Whom You Have Mentored or Advised

Developing an Education Portfolio 5 Developing an Education Portfolio 5. Educational leadership & Administration • Types of Leadership or Administration (dean, departmental leadership, course leadership, program leadership, educational committee(s) • Title(s) of Department, Course/Program or Educational Committee • Specific Role • Levels of Outreach (institutional, state, regional, national and international)

Developing an Education Portfolio 6 Developing an Education Portfolio 6. Educational research and scholarship • Provide a complete list including peer-reviewed publications, posters, abstracts, book chapters, presentations, etc., that pertain to education. • Make sure to include FULL references for all scholarship.

examples of items to include in your portfolio • Sample of Syllabus Materials • Courses Taught (note if TA or course instructor) • Courses Planned (tailor for specific applications) • Sample Assignments and Assessments • Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness • Student Evaluations • Evaluations by Faculty Member or Other Observer • Teaching Awards • Video of a Class • Evidence of Professional Development • Teaching Workshops, Seminars, Publications, etc.

When should you begin creating portfolio? • Begin as early as possible. • Even before you set foot in the classroom as a Teaching Assistant or instructor, you should begin thinking about the ideas and objectives that will guide you when you do so. • Reading articles and attending workshops on teaching will help you identify current issues and potential approaches. • As you build your teaching experience, you should also be developing your portfolio, which you can then update, refine, and improve when you are entering the academic job market. • May be requested to provide “teaching materials” or “evidence of teaching effectiveness” at some point in career.

Examples of TEACHING ELEMENTS Included in a PROMOTION Letter • Specific roles and accomplishments at MUSC: lecturer, student adviser, student or resident preceptor, clinical attending, supervisor of fellows or junior faculty, developer of educational material. • Recognition, demonstrated skills & talents, special accomplishments: teaching awards, author of educational materials, course director, head of training programs, conference leader. • Contributions and service to committees involved with education: committee member, committee chair, committee accomplishments. • Record of accomplishments of students. • Regional, national, international accomplishments: visiting professorships, editorial boards, invited lectures, membership on certification boards, participation in educational efforts of professional societies.

Advice and Pitfalls Investigate and understand the criteria for promotion in your track and next rank. Treat criteria focused on teaching and educational scholarship as seriously as any other criteria. Develop a system for accumulating and maintaining an ongoing personal database for educational activities. Think about how you can transform activities into scholarly products. Perform an annual “self assessment” on your progress and readiness for the next rank. Seek peer review for your teaching, educational products, and application packet.

ACADEMY OF MEDICAL EDUCATORS The Academy of Medical Educators (AME) was established by the College of Medicine in June 2012 to provide a forum for training and mentoring of teachers and for recognition of exemplary faculty.

MISSION OF AME Our mission is to support and enhance education within the College of Medicine by promoting high quality, innovative teaching in the classroom and clinical settings, and encouraging innovation with alternative methodologies. In addition, the Academy trains, develops, and rewards teachers, facilitating scholarly activities in education.

PURPOSE OF AME  1. Promote excellence in faculty educators in both basic sciences and clinical sciences through scholarship, collegial evaluation and feedback, collaboration, and innovation.   2. Support development of faculty educators through training, mentoring and scholarship in teaching throughout their academic careers. 3. Establish proficiency in teaching and provide guidance to improve quality and effectiveness. 4. Advance scholarly activity in education as a critical component of the educational mission of the College of Medicine.  5. Sponsor activities that enhance medical education and faculty development, i.e., workshops, symposia and educational grants.

BENEFITS OF AME MEMBERSHIP • Teaching Portfolio: Develop and enhance teaching credentials for tenure and promotions, share areas of teaching/education interests and expertise, and connect with collaborators. • Mentoring Opportunities: Acquire mentors or serve as a mentor to enhance knowledge and skills in teaching. • Faculty Development and Leadership: Participate in teaching and other educational activities, special programs, research projects and travel awards. • Peer Review and Guidance: Receive collegial evaluation and feedback to improve quality and effectiveness of teaching. • Collaborative Projects & AME Symposia: Interact within a community of educators who share common interests in teaching and educational scholarship.

AME MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES Domains: • Teaching Activity • Curriculum Assessment and/or Development • Advising and Mentoring • Educational Leadership and Administration • Educational Research and Scholarship

AME MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES Mentored Teaching Fellow: COM faculty who either are new to teaching and other educational activities or are interested in teaching and educational scholarship. Members in this category will be focused on faculty development and mentorship to develop core knowledge and skills in teaching and education. Active participation in this category will facilitate professional development in preparation of Academy membership as a Master Teacher.

AME MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES Master Teacher: COM faculty members who are actively involved in teaching and other educational activities. The requirements for Master Teacher include an educator portfolio with at least two educational domains. A Master Teacher should have the capacity and willingness to mentor and to serve as an advisor to a Mentored Teaching Fellow. Active participation in this category will promote innovation in teaching and enhance effectiveness as a medical educator.

AME MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES Distinguished Teaching Scholar: COM faculty members or Emeritus who have an established track record of excellence in teaching and other educational activities. The requirements for Distinguished Teaching Scholar include an educator portfolio with at least three educational domains. A Distinguished Teaching Scholar will serve as an advisor and mentor to fellow members within the Academy of Medical Educators and will have the responsibility and goal to help in the development of future Distinguished Teaching Scholars.

MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS http://academicdepartments.musc.edu/com/faculty/Academy_of_Medical_Educators/ Application materials: 1. Cover Page with appropriate membership category 2. Personal Statement 3. Curriculum Vitae 4. Education Domains: Complete spreadsheet for each domain you have selected • Teaching Activity • Curriculum and/or Assessment Development • Advising and Mentoring • Educational Leadership and Administration • Educational Research and Scholarship 5. Letters of Support: Address qualifications pertinent to specific membership category that you have selected. 6. Appendix: Other materials you choose to include with your application