Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel (Myanmar) Workshop on MDG Monitoring: 2015 and beyond, Bangkok, 9-13 July 2012
Map of The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Definition The percentage of deliveries attended by skilled health personnel
Data sources Routine Health Management Information System Household surveys –FRHS, IHLCA,MICS
Data Items collect in HMIS (Monthly report) Home deliveries by basic health staff Deliveries at RHC delivery room Deliveries at public hospitals Total livebirths Total stillbirths
Department of Health Planning (HMIS), Department of Health Department of Health Planning (HMIS), Department of Health MCH/UHC/Station HU/RHC District/Township Health Department State/Regional Health Department Sub Rural Health Center Data Flow
Calculation method (HMIS) Numerator: Number of Births attended by skilled health personnel during one year Denominator: Total number of deliveries during same year Skilled health personnel : Doctors, nurses and midwives (Not include auxiliary midwife and traditional birth attendants)
Method of computation (Survey) Numerator - Number of women aged years with a birth in a reference period preceding the survey that were attended during childbirth by skilled health personnel Denominator - Total number of women surveyed aged years with a birth in the same reference period preceding the survey
Periodicity of Measurement HMIS – every year Survey – every three or five years
10 Source: Health Management Information System Percentage of births attended by skilled health personnel
11 Source: HMIS Hospital Delivery(%) Institutional Delivery(%) (Hospital+ RHC Delivery Room)
12 SBA (%) Source: HMIS Source: MICS Source: IHLCA Source: FRHS ( ) ( )
Comments and limitations Standardization of the definition of skilled health personnel Calculation method – livebirths or total births Completeness and coverage of routine data Rely on answer by respondents May not adequately capture women’s access to good quality care