By Katharina, Clara, Frederik and Lucas
97 % of the water on earth is salt water Water covers 70,9 % of the earth‘s surface 30% of fresh water is in the ground
Water makes up between 55-78% of a human‘s body weight 68,7% of the fresh water on earth is trapped in glaciers
1. Boiling water
2. Using purification tablets
3. Creating a purifying system in the wilderness
Using “SUPER SAND” to clean water. Using sand… already an old strategy. BUT Coating the sand with an oxide of GRAPHITE will purify water more quickly and effectively than ever before.
Seeds of the “MIRACLE TREE” to clean water. Extracts of the seeds of the miracle tree (Moringa oleifera) contain positively charged proteins which can kill microbes.
BICYCLE water purifier to clean water. Filter water through pedaling! Water will be pumped into the system and passes trough a series of micro-filtration membranes.
Water from the AIR A machine that makes clean water out of the air … The EcoloBlue Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) -Works best at 50% percent humidity. -Less effective in winter. Up to 28 liters a day!
Hydro leaf Clean water through SOLAR ENERGY
Diarrhoea Loose watery poo Contaminated food/water Acute diarrhoea a couple of days Chronic diarrhoea more than 2 weeks Dehydration Southeast Asia and Africa 8,5%-7,7% of all deaths 1998 2,2 million people died
Hepatitis A
Viral disease causes muscle weakness and paralysis Infection by contaminated water of food Two types of polio vaccine: trivalent oral polio vaccine and inactivated polio vaccine
Charity:water Clean and safe drinking water people in developing countries 100% public donations 20 developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean
Wateraid Non-profit organisation Works in 27 countries worldwide Clean water safe toilets and hygienic education