Welcome to Year 1 Teacher: Mrs Jones Support Assistant: Mrs Jhita.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Year 1 Teacher: Mrs Jones Support Assistant: Mrs Jhita

The School Day 8.55am Registration 10.40am Break time Lunch time 1.00pm Afternoon lessons 3.15pm Home time If you are late or absent please telephone the school office beforehand and follow up an absence with a written letter or .

Equipment PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Children will need a white t shirt and navy shorts with trainers/plimsolls. During the Winter children may bring a navy blue or black tracksuit. Earrings should either be covered with micropore tape or removed at home on P.E. days. We prefer the children to keep their P.E. kits in school over the week. Year 1 children swim during the Summer Term at Windsor Leisure Centre and they will need a swimming costume/swimming trunks, a swimming hat and towel.

Uniform At Trinity St Stephen First School:  We are always smart.  We know that we tuck our shirts in.  Our hair is tied up or clipped back using brown, black or school colour hair accessories.  Our uniform includes: For Boys - A white shirt/school polo shirt,grey trousers/shorts, a red school sweatshirt, grey socks and black shoes. For Girls a white polo shirt/blouse, a grey pinafore dress, skirt or trousers, a red check dress with white socks during Summer weather, a red school cardigan/sweatshirt, red grey or white plain tights and black shoes. Both boys and girls can wear outside a red school woolly hat in the Winter, a school baseball cap in the Summer. PLEASE NAME ALL UNIFORM

Writing When we are writing:  We always use a pencil  We always use a cursive script  We always try to write the word(s) ourselves first  As soon as we can, we start each sentence with a capital letter and finish with a full stop  Each page of work is dated  We put a single line through work we have done wrong

Maths When we are doing maths:  We always use a pencil  We write the date in the short, numeric way  Each piece of work is dated  We draw pictures and diagrams using a pencil  We put a single line through work we have done wrong

Our Learning- Maths We will be learning the value of numbers up to 20 and beyond. Children will work practically with objects/materials and are encouraged to talk about the maths they are learning. We will be reading, writing and ordering numbers to 20. We will be learning addition and subtraction number facts to 10 and using these to work out number facts to 20. We will be learning about multiplication, counting in 2s,5s & 10s, doubling, recognising odd and even numbers. We will be learning about division, understanding halves and quarters. Practical sharing.

Our learning - writing We are starting with a unit about Recounts. Children will be writing about events they have experienced. They will be identifying and writing labels, lists and captions. We will be focusing on the writing of letter sounds to use in our independent writing and the spelling of the basic high frequency words. We will be working regularly on cursive handwriting and presentation.

Our Learning - Reading We will be starting Guided Reading and children will have 2 full sessions each week in school. They will bring home these books over 2 days to practice. The focus will be on understanding and talking about the text as well as decoding. Children have the opportunity to borrow a book from the library each week.

Our Learning - IT  Over the year children will use programmable toys such as beebots to plan and predict movement and directions by in putting a series of instructions.  They will experience basic word processing and digital painting.  Be aware of technology beyond school and using it safely.

Our learning - Science Plants, Animals, Materials and Seasonal changes are the main science areas taught within Key Stage 1. There is a strong emphasis on identifying, classifiying/naming and observing differences and changes. Children will be encouraged to ask scientific questions.

Our Learning – Themes There are 3 short whole school themes over the school year based on Harvest, Christmas and Easter. Each term there is a cross curricular class theme. This term the theme will be based on ‘Ourselves’

Homework Over the Year there will be an emphasis on learning the building blocks for reading and writing in a practical way. Learning to read and write letter sounds and High Frequency words. For Mathematics there will be practical homework activities with an adult that encourage the use of mathematical language.

Helping at home Reading regularly. Make sure that the books we provide are part of a much bigger reading diet. Give your child small amounts of money to handle and spend. Play games with your children like snakes and ladders and other dice game. Talk and find out together more about the themes that we are learning about. Visit places that reinforce our theme learning. Encourage independence.

Visitors in School At Trinity St Stephen we welcome your support in school. If you would like to help us in the classroom please ensure: You have seen the safeguarding information and you understand that working with the children is both a privilege and a responsibility. You are dressed appropriately – this is a professional environment. You listen and follow the instructions given to you by the member of staff you are working with.

Communication with school There may be occasions when you need to talk to the class teacher. Please understand that this is not always possible before school, unless by prior arrangement. Messages may be left with Mrs Hickley on the playground before school. Teachers can be more flexible at the end of the school day. For the safety of all children in our school only come into school in exceptional circumstances. Please only use the front door.

Class News Please check the class news on the school website. It is published on a Tuesday.