1 Presented by Nancy Rehbine Zentis, Ph.D. SFLODN, September, 2008 Developing Leadership Competencies
2 Topics Define Leadership Competency Models Types of Leadership Competency Types of Leadership Competency Models How to Develop a Leadership Competency Model Baptist Hospital Model Benefits of a Competency Model Other tools Questions and Answers
3 Leadership Competencies Most major companies have developed formal competency models - which are descriptions of knowledge, skills, and personal characteristics and behaviors needed to perform key elements or responsibilities of the leader’s job
4 Competency Models Used for a number of purposes: Assessment of current senior leaders Identification of high-potential executive talent Performance Appraisal Job Benchmarking for Hiring and Selection Leadership Development
5 Study Conducted By Cambria Consulting Purpose: Define a Universal Leadership Competency Model 64 Leadership Models from 22 major companies 30 Attributes 30 Practices 8% Attribute Models 27% Practice Models 65% Mixture of Attributes and Practices
6 Two Types of Competencies Practices - what people do on the job to get results Example: A leader might ‘set vision and direction, “focus on the customer and Make decisions Attributes - knowledge, skills and other characteristics and capabilities that people bring to the job that enable them to carry out leadership tasks Example: A leader might possess strategic thinking, initiative, and high energy as personal attributes
7 Attributes Versus Practices Attributes are the raw ingredients of performance - they are the capabilities needed by people to do their jobs Practices are what people do with the attributes they possess are described by observable on-the-job behavior. Practices also depend on the presence of attributes: for example, one cannot “make tough decisions” (a practice) without a high degree of “self-confidence” (an attribute).
8 Leadership Attributes
9 Leadership Practices
10 Approaches Comprehensive Approach Anything deemed necessary worth assessing or observing in a current leader Comprehensive Models focus on 20 competencies or more to be used for a variety of purposes - job requirements, hiring criteria, development plans Selective Approach High Impact Competencies to Differentiate “Outstanding” from “Average” Leaders Selective Models focus on 10 Competencies to highlight what is most valuable for future success
11 Hybrid Approach Small Set of Key Leadership Competencies (5 or less) is grafted onto a larger competency dictionary Key Competencies are viewed as essential for leadership success Others are essential to anyone in a leadership role
12 Two Categories Generic Adopted standard language from pre-existing competency lists - dealing with ambiguity, strategic agility, managerial courage, developing others, valuing diversity Strategically Informed Models that have adopted a unique language that models to the organizational culture, more selective and important to the enterprise - Build key relationships, claim the future, provide structure and direction, data driven, foster entrepreneurial thinking
13 Advantage of Strategic Approach Ability to communicate expectations for leaders throughout the organization in a distinctive way Reflects the organization’s strategy and culture Links competencies to business goals and performance outcomes
14 Leadership Practices Research Findings: Many leadership practices are not universal Leadership is situational and requires different behaviors In some models, competencies were identified as critical, in others not mentioned While “Develop People” was at the top of the list at 58%, “Get Results” not as high
15 Top Practices
16 Top Attributes
17 What’s Missing? Business Acumen Financial, Technical or Functional Knowledge Ambition - Key ingredient of effectiveness: effective leaders want to lead Why were they missing?
18 Guidelines for Developing Leadership Competencies Keep them few and simple Limit to the genuine priorities Link to capability needs Identify critical derailer competencies - Lominger does this Embed throughout systems and processes Continually revisit staying future focused
19 Developing a Competency Model Comprehensive Approach Bench Mark from existing Leadership Competency Models - DDI, PDI, Lominger and match competencies existing leadership positions and business requirements Identify broad competency categories and supporting competencies Identify supporting behavior items that support the competency and requirements of the job
20 Developing A Competency Model Review Purpose of the Job Conduct Interviews and Focus Group Discussion With Subject Matter Experts Develop a Job Profile based on the job requirements and business needs now and in the future Identify Broad Competency Categories Identify Key Behavioral Requirements - Critical Incidents Define the behaviors-traits, skills and knowledge needed to successfully perform the job Define behavioral items that describe the behavior by level Get Input and Buy-in from Stakeholders Revise and Approve
21 Competency Development Process 6. Gain Buy-in Review with SME’s Analyze results and conduct a pilot assessment to determine effectiveness 5. Define Competency Categories Define Dimensions, Categories, and develop specific descriptions of the competency 2. Define Job Responsibilities Tied to Business Goals Interview individuals, and managers to identify key responsibilities 3. Identify Behavioral Competencies Ask SME’s what behaviors are critical to job success, Level competencies by level of responsibility and define the behaviors 4. Benchmark Ask SMEs to prioritize importance and value of the competencies Conduct research to compare against other models Valid the competencies 1. Review Organization Vision, Mission and Goals Identify key performance outcomes for each position Leadership Competency Model
22 Benefits of Competency Models Hiring and Selection Leadership Assessment Leadership Development Planning Leadership Career Path Performance Management Succession Planning Identifying High Potentials
23 Other Resources Job Benchmarking, Behaviors, Values, and Personal Career Insights/Traits Assessments - Trimex - TTI 360 Degree Feedback Instruments - 20/20 Insight
24 Q & A Summary Close Thank You!