The Petroleum Registry of Alberta The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information Waste Plant Operator Meeting Thursday February 26, 2009
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Agenda Welcome and Introductions Ross Weaver Changes to Directive 47 Brandie Calhoun/ Kerry Robertson Readiness Activities Ann Hagedorn –Overview of Readiness Package –Examples from Test Files Questions and Answers All –Advance Questions –Other Questions Next Steps Ross Weaver
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Directive 047 Changes Overview
Preparation for Electronic Reporting Waste Plant Submissions will be through the Petroleum Registry of Alberta using either on-line screens or batch upload using CSV or XML files. Acceptance of the Waste Plant Submission by the Registry requires the use of valid ID locations, facility and well ID codes, BA codes, and waste codes. The information submitted through the Waste Plant Submission will auto-populate to other Registry facilities, which did not occur with the S-25 Statement. Approval holders of OWMFs that consist of surface infrastructure and caverns will be required to have valid waste plant facility ID codes for the surface infrastructure and each associated cavern.
Preparation for Electronic Reporting The waste plant facility ID codes will need to be in place for the February 2009 reporting period, and S-25 Statements for February 2009 will need to be completed and submitted for the surface infrastructure and each associated cavern. Facility ID codes are obtained from the Registry. The closing inventories from the February 2009 S-25 Statements will be used to populate the opening inventories on the March 2009 Waste Plant Submission on the Registry. From March 2009 and thereon, the reported closing inventory will auto-populate the next month’s opening inventory. OWMF approval holders are to provide the ERCB, on or before March 6, 2009, with a list of non-ERCB-regulated facilities associated their facility to allow for the development of waste location IDs.
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Waste Plant Readiness Package Overview
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta A.Apply for Access If you are a waste plant facility operator and currently do not have Registry access you will be required to apply for access to the Registry. It is therefore recommended that you get your access and users setup as soon as possible. Step 1: Ensure You Have Access to the Registry
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta B. Setup of User Security Administrator and BA Users Each Business Associate (BA) must also set up a User Security Administrator (USA). The BA USA has access to Registry security menu items only, and is responsible for setting up access for any of the BA’s employees and/or consultants who need to use the Registry to submit or query data. It is strongly recommended that each BA also setup a Backup USA so that user security can be managed if the Primary USA is unavailable. Step 1: Ensure You Have Access to the Registry Cont’d
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta A.Summary Commencing March 2009 production period the Registry will be the only mechanism for submitting monthly waste information. Historical amendments (February 2009 and earlier) will continue to be done on the paper S-25 Statement. B.ERCB Directive 047 Reporting Requirements Each waste plant facility operator should review the ERCB Directive 047: Waste Reporting Requirements for Oilfield Waste Management Facilities. Step 2: Understand the Reporting Changes
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta C.Registry Reporting Rules for Waste Plant Facility Operators 1.Edit Rules Regarding Facility and Well IDs All data submitted to the Registry is subject to edit rules that require the data to be accurate and correct. When receipts or dispositions are reported at the waste plant facility, the Registry will check that the facility, well, or waste location ID is valid. These checks will include: Is this BA and user authorized to submit data for this reporting facility? Does the ID exist in the Registry? Is the waste location or facility ID valid for reporting the particular activity? Step 2: Understand the Reporting Changes Cont’d
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta C.Registry Reporting Rules for WP Facility Operators Cont’d 2.Registry Volume Reporting Principles: Auto-population of receipts or dispositions When reporting in the Registry, there is a principle that a number will only be reported once and then auto-populated as necessary at the corresponding facility. This means that when a receipt is reported at the waste plant facility, it will auto-populate the disposition at the delivering facility. If the delivering facility operator disagrees with the auto-populated volume, the operator of the delivering facility must request the waste plant (receiving facility) operator to change the reported receipt volume. Step 2: Understand the Reporting Changes Cont’d
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta C.Registry Reporting Rules for WP Facility Operators Cont’d 2.Registry Volume Reporting Principles: (cont’d) Auto-population of opening inventory Another example of reporting a volume only once is that each month for each product only the closing inventory is reported. Next month’s opening inventory will be created (auto-populated) by the Registry to equal the previous month’s closing inventory. In order to change the opening inventory, the facility operator must change the previous month’s closing inventory. Step 2: Understand the Reporting Changes Cont’d
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta C.Registry Reporting Rules for WP Facility Operators Cont’d 2.Registry Volume Reporting Principles: (cont’d) Registry Calculations Another Registry principle is that numbers that can be calculated by the Registry cannot be reported. For example, the waste plant facility operator may report multiple receipts of Oil, Water and Solids. The Registry will calculate the total received by summing the Oil, Water and Solids receipts. The Registry will also perform any balancing and calculate if there is an imbalance at the facility. Step 2: Understand the Reporting Changes Cont’d
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta D.Updated/Changed Rules Specific to Waste Plant Facilities New/changed rules for waste plant facility operators effective March 2009 production (reported during April 2009) in the Registry: 1.All volumes of Oil, Water or Solids will be reported in M 3. Tonnes will no longer be valid reporting metric. 2.Miscellaneous IDs (i.e. ABMC, 19 or 23) will not be allowed. All reporting of volumes received or disposed must include a well, facility or waste location ID. 3.Fuel Gas must be reported each month in 10 3 M 3. 4.Receipts or dispositions of multiple shipments of the same waste/material from the same generating/receiving location in one production month must be summed up and reported as one set of data. Reporting by individual load/ticket is no longer valid. Step 2: Understand the Reporting Changes Cont’d
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta E.Rules Specific to Waste Plant Facilities with Impacts on Other Facility Operators The Registry will auto-populate a water disposition at the delivering facility that equals the sum of the water and solids volume received at the waste plant. Facility operators who deliver gas to the waste plant facilities will report a disposition of gas including the volume, energy (GJ), and in-stream components (ISC) to the waste plant. The Registry will auto-populate the waste plant with the gas receipt volume. The waste plant facility operator will then report the gas volume used for fuel. Step 2: Understand the Reporting Changes Cont’d
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Testing of Files for Submission (Inter-operability Testing) There are two types of batch files that the Registry will accept for reporting waste plant data. These are: XML- a computer language common to many systems. CSV- comma separated values created based on Excel spreadsheets. Prior to the Registry Waste Plant/Processing Facility functionality going live, the Registry team will accept files from operators, run them in a test environment and send back the test results. This interoperability testing process will help ensure that files generated in the first “live” month will process successfully. Facility operators who have created test files should the file(s) to: Subject line: WP Inter-operability testing. Step 3: Prepare Your Systems
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Testing of Files for Submission (Inter-operability Testing) Cont’d These test files must contain accurate data. For example, facility and well IDs must be valid. If the file contains invalid data, the test results will show rejected and/or unprocessed/failed results. The Registry team will work with the waste plant facility operators to identify any problems in the test files and run the test files as many times as necessary to generate successful submission results. Step 3: Prepare Your Systems Cont’d
Sample CSV File
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta The following steps must be completed prior to reporting in the Registry for the first time during April 2009: A.Ensure you have all the Waste Plant Facility IDs required. Waste Facility IDs With the new Registry reporting, each waste facility must have its own facility ID. If you operate a waste facility that includes caverns, the caverns will require their own ID. Prior to the waste plant project implementation, operators need to login to the Registry and request a new waste facility ID for each cavern. Step 4: Prepare Your Data (Data Clean-up Activities)
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta A.Ensure you have all the WP Facility IDs required. Cont’d Waste plant facility operators will be able to request waste facility IDs under 2 subtype categories: Subtype 701: Surface Waste Facility Subtype 702: Cavern Waste Facility Be sure to request all of the necessary waste facility IDs as soon as possible. Step 4: Prepare Your Data (Data Clean-up Activities) Cont’d
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta B.Validate / Confirm your Data Matches the Data in the Registry. Edits are in place in the Registry to ensure that only accurate and valid data is recorded. It is very important that the data in the facility operator’s records matches the data in the Registry. For example: If the Registry has Operator A listed as operator for a given waste plant, when in fact Operator B is the operator, then any data submitted for the waste plant by Operator B will be rejected by the Registry. Similarly, facility IDs for both the waste plants and upstream facilities or non producing (inactive) wells must be valid and listed in the Registry or the associated data row/record will be rejected by the Registry. Step 4: Prepare Your Data (Data Clean-up Activities) Cont’d
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta B.Validate/Confirm Your Data Matches the Data in the Registry Cont’d Data cleanup may be required to ensure a smooth transition to the Registry’s electronic filings from the old paper based process. You should run a variety of reports to ensure your data matches the data already stored in the Registry regarding the waste facilities. The suggested reports are: 1. Facility Infrastructure Report 2. Well Infrastructure Report 3. Well to Facility Link Report The above reports should be run in the CSV format to allow you to sort and filter the data using an excel spreadsheet. Step 4: Prepare Your Data (Data Clean-up Activities) Cont’d
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta C. Identify any Non ERCB Waste Generators or Receivers. Provide a listing, by March 6/09, of the non-ERCB-regulated facilities that have been associated with your waste plant facility in the last 6 months. This listing should be directed to: Subject Line: Non-ERCB-Regulated Facilities. D. Identify the Source of your Fuel Gas Provide a list, by March 6/09, for each waste facility you operate, identifying where your fuel gas is coming from. Please include the name of the company, the pipeline, meter station or other source. This listing should be directed to: Subject Line: Fuel Gas Sources Step 4: Prepare Your Data (Data Clean-up Activities) Cont’d
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta To apply for access to the Registry Resource Centre training modules, click on the Resource Centre and click on Apply for Access and follow these steps: 1. Fill in the blanks. 2. Highlight and paste the information into an Address the to Step 5: Prepare Your Users (Training Approach)
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta To understand the User Security Administrator and BA User Roles and setups: 2.1 Set-up User Account Overview 2.2 Manage User Roles 2.3 Manage User ID’s and Access 2.4 Manage BA Designate Relationship To understand reports and queries 9.0 Manage Reports and Queries To understand the Facility ID Application 5.2 a&b Manage Facility ID Application To understand the Facility Operator Change 5.4 a&b Manage Facility Operator Change Step 5: Prepare Your Users (Training Approach) Cont’d
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta To understand the new Registry Waste Plant Online Reporting process. Available March 5, 2009 Manage Waste Plant Reporting (knowledge module) Available around the middle of March Manage Waste Plant Reporting (step by step module) Request Waste Location ID (Non ERCB Waste Generators & Receivers) If anyone is interested in assisting in the validation process of the new training modules, please contact Sheryl Moody at Step 5: Prepare Your Users (Training Approach) Cont’d
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta NEXT STEPS
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Next Steps 1.Send in test files. 2.Send in your Non-ERCB Facilities listings to 3.Send in your Fuel Gas Source listings to 4.Set up your users for the Registry Resource Centre Training modules 5.Complete the existing training modules. 6.Complete new waste plant specific modules as they become available. 7.Next Session: –Tuesday March 16 focused on Training and any outstanding readiness questions.
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Questions?