Fire and Health ‘Sweating the asset’ Mike Hagen Deputy Chief Fire officer
We are going to cover… fire station of the future-today Less than 5% of our time at emergency incidents Sweating the asset-about releasing an untapped resource into our communities Two areas-crime and health Relationship with 2012 Olympics Why?-50% reduction in fire deaths and 40% reduction in ASB fires
FIRE STN Boxing The Pledge – ‘To go the extra mile….’ Fire station of the future-today Princes Trust/ EARLY Firefit kids Bikesafe Beacon/LIFE-young and adults World FF Games-legacy Dig It – Market Garden Fire Support Network D of EStreetcage Soccer Climbing Walls Wirral Heartbeat STAMP-D2A Embedded Firefighters Firefit families Health kicks
Tackling health inequality Fire-fighters as Role Models Fire Stations as health centres Home Fire Safety Checks & Single Assessments - ‘front-line flexibility’ Support of over 40 community safety advocates
ASB and Crime reduction Anti-social behaviour Joint task force – Operates from a Police Station Diversion - Streetcage soccer Operation Trojan Violent attacks-halved in two years
So what? Fire deaths down by half Deliberate fire down by 40% Hoax calls down by 30% Attacks down by 70% 400,000 home fire safety checks targeted at the most vulnerable Plus-huge cross cut to a wide range of partner/community priorities
World Fire-fighter games- –73 sports –2000 staff and volunteers –3000 competitors –38 nations represented –2.8 M economic impact –Biggest sporting event since the Commonwealth games –Fire service can deliver the people and places to support the Olympics- –Fire fighter+olympian=powerful brand
CONCLUSION Sweating the asset-delivering more with less resources The fire service is a powerful brand-effective in reducing crime and anti-social behaviour and tackling health inequality. The world fire-fighter games is a blueprint for volunteering for London 2012.
World Firefighters Games video