Tricia S. Jones, Temple University, copyright protect, March 2006 Ideology and Conflict §Ideologies are the core values, beliefs of a group §Ideologies are strongly tied to people’s sense of self §Ideologies are in constant flux l values are often in tension l ideologies are constantly being interpreted in the face of changing events l ideologies are more like guiding strategies than sets of unchanging principles
Tricia S. Jones, Temple University, copyright protect, March 2006 Causes of Ideological Conflict §The perception that one’s core value set/ideology is being challenged or called into question §The belief that someone else’s attempt to adapt an ideology to changing circumstances is a threat to the ideology itself
Tricia S. Jones, Temple University, copyright protect, March 2006 Ideological and Intractable Conflict §Ideological conflicts often become intractable conflicts l resistant to being resolved l original issues are often lost sight of l high defensiveness l little open communication
Tricia S. Jones, Temple University, copyright protect, March 2006 Stages of Intractable Conflict §Threat l to core sense of self l belief that coexistence may not be possible §Distortion l incoming information is distorted to maintain core identity §Rigidification l perceive other as less than oneself to maintain distance and dehumanize §Collusion l both sides come to need the conflict to maintain their identities
Tricia S. Jones, Temple University, copyright protect, March 2006 How Can You Handle Ideological Conflict? §Seek clarity and agreement on the terms for discussing ideological differences l do people agree on the same evidence and information? l Do people agree to what is authoritative? §Establish ways that a trusting relationship can exist despite ideological differences l recognize ways that coexistence is possible l learn how to control fear of exploitation and loss of self in presence of differences