Shutter speed is the amount of time the shutter is open while light is coming in. Shutter speed controls whether your picture will be completely blurred, sharp, or a combination on the two.
Panning is moving the camera in a horizontal motion to suggest fast motion. It usually has a subject in action and a blurred background. To achieve the look, your subject needs to move across the plane in front of the camera from one side to the other. It should not be moving toward the camera or on a diagonal. You need to use a long exposure to make sure that the background is blurred. To make sure the subject is sharp, you can use a tripod to keep the camera steady.
Creates streaks that go from the center outwards. To do this, you need a zoom lens, a manually controlled shutter speed, and if there’s too much light you might need to restrict it by using a low ISO setting. Using a slow shutter speed, zoom while pressing the shutter.
With sports photography, you generally want to have a fast shutter speed so your pictures are not blurred. You can use panning to make the picture have a different effect.
With a fast shutter speed you can make water look like glass. With a slow shutter speed, you can make water have a foggy look.
Fast shutter speed Slow shutter speed
Blurred motion is achieved when you use a slow shutter speed on a subject that is moving. Use a tripod so that your camera is still and doesn’t ruin the picture. Use shutter priority mode so that you can have control over the shutter speed.
For stop motion, use a fast shutter speed to freeze the action. There should not be any blur. Stop motion is used a lot in sports to get clear action shots.