WP Leader Meeting 2013 Report WP4 Dr. Marion Tobler Rome, 4 th March 2013
Marion Tobler WP4WP leader meeting , Rome Content Achievements in WP4 Problems and issues Plans for 2013 Amendment and Reporting
Marion Tobler WP4WP leader meeting , Rome Achievements in WP4 Infodays Bangkok and Hanoy in May 2012 ( 80 and 60 researchers attending) Infoday in Manila in Sept (60 persons, mainly administration attending) Infoday in Egypt Sept (in cooperation with AfriCan project) (some 50 researchers attending) Staff training for ICPC lecturing in York (UK) June 2012 – Creation and adaptation of modules for FP7 Environment – Interactive lecturing modules – Cooperation with AfriCan Climate project (8 staff of ENT)
Marion Tobler WP4WP leader meeting , Rome Achievements in WP4 (cont.) Website improvements implemented (WP4 meeting in Berlin) (WP4 meeting in Berlin) ICPC Hub consolidation (WP4 meeting in Berlin) Permanent contacts towards INCO nets established Database on ICPC NCPs updated Imporvement of sourcing for ICPC Leaflet Cooperation with WP5 (WP4 meeting in Berlin) A conference call to India helped to fostering contacts and to exchange information on ICPC, which them w ere applied by our Indian colleague
Marion Tobler WP4WP leader meeting , Rome Problems and issues No problems within WP4 have to be reported! I would like to thank the whole team for their very professional, constructive and motivated contributions to our deliverables! However, we would like to encourage the whole ENT to contribute more with information about ICPCs!
Marion Tobler WP4WP leader meeting , Rome Information from the Commission H2020 will probably not finance the BRICs. So we should focus on East European countries, Interlink partners, Nord African Countries and SEA EU Net.
Marion Tobler WP4WP leader meeting , Rome Plans for 2013 Participate in general trainings for NCPs by the Commission (fall 2013?) – Involve African and Asian NCPs, who have successfully cooperated with ENT. Join info-day and training in ASEAN country on water technologies (around launch of H 2020) Contribute to ICPC-NCP training in Brussels, organized by SEA-EU Net (fall 2013). (Euresearch is partner in SEA-EU Net) CAAST-Net+ stakeholders' conference on Africa-Europe S&T cooperation (fall 2013)
Marion Tobler WP4WP leader meeting , Rome Plans for 2014 Support and Contribution to ongoing ICPC activities: – SEA EU Net Infodays on H2020 – CAAST-Net+ stakeholders' conference on Africa-Europe S&T cooperation – ZA Roadshow on Horizon 2020 (fall 2013) – Nord African Infoday (request from Egypt) Re-contact earlier NCP project partners – Interlink partners (Asian countries) – Eularinet countries (South American countries) Cooperation with AfriCan Climate Project Cooperation with Ideal-Ist ICPC partners ( ist.eu/representatives ) ist.eu/representatives – (especially South America)
Marion Tobler WP4WP leader meeting , Rome
Marion Tobler WP4WP leader meeting , Rome Amendment and Reporting Euresearch has a new director: Dr. Peter Erni, replacing Dr. Olivier Küttel