Research Project An Analysis into the Quality and Brand loyalty of Anchor products in Sri Lanka P.Naveenan
Anchor Anchor brand was created in 1886 when entrepreneurial Cornish famer, Henry Reynolds was a small plant in New Zealand with the goal of high quality butter. From this modest beginning has sold an anchor of the biggest brands in the world with a wide range of dairy products in 70 countries. Brand Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan Fernleaf are used in place of the plug.
Problem Justification Anchor is very famous among the parents for children and all of the agers. That much it get popularity in Sri Lanka. It is mostly household name product among of other milk powders. It has lots of variety for attract the different gender and agers. Such as, Anchor 1+ Growing Up Milk for 1 to 3 years. Anchor 3+ growing up Milk for aged 3 to 6. Anchor Full Cream Milk Powder for all the family. Anchor Shape up Non Fat Milk Powder for important in the maintenance of muscle and skin. Anchor Newdale Fresh Dairy for whole families. Anchor WAM for kids. But suddenly it face major problem in Sri Lanka. That is known as dicyandiamide (DCD).it made bad name in Anchor product among all of the people. A Sri Lanka state institute said it would test all milk powder in the market after finding a toxic chemical in products sold by New Zealand's Fonterra, while a nationalist party called for the closure of Fonterra's local subsidiary. Now we have decided to test all the milk powder in the market including other Fonterra products," Premakumara told like this. Nevertheless “It is unfair to say all Fonterra products are DCD contaminated. We did the same test in some Fonterra products that were manufactured after June 1, and we found no DCD in those products," he said. However Anchor wants to re make their good will after dicyandiamide DCD. So I choose about this heading for my research.
Objective To identify how Anchor became a Household name in Sri Lanka To identify how Anchor became popular among customers in Sri Lanka. To identify how Anchor became to market competitive. To identify how Anchor distribute among customer. To identify how anchor will get popular after Dicyandiamide (DCD).
Questions Analyze
According to my analyze I asked why do you prefer Anchor product to identify why consumers are preferring. So in the survey major people prefer to use Anchor for taste.31.58 % people are saying Taste. And 26.32% people are saying Brand and 42.11% of people choose for Quality.
In this question analyze I try to identify How Anchor milk powder advertise to attract people. And the major people says celebrities. That mean Anchor has attract people by celebrities. And musical events are getting 2.63% and Television/redio is 73.68%.15.79% for campaign.
3) According to the analyze major people vote yes for idol effect 71.05% people said and 28.95% people say No.
According to the analyze I asked the people Is reasonable price rest of others? major people vote for Yes (26.32%) 31.58% of people says No. and 42.11% of people says Both are same. So it seems Anchor is unreasonable price.
According to the analyze I asked the options when you think about Anchor what comes in your mind first? So most of the people vote for Brand. Second major people vote for Quality and lease people vote for value.
According to the analyze I asked What product have you purchased the most? and major people say Full cream milk powder (78.95%).and 13.16% for Fresh dairy and 5.26% for Anchor 1+ and Anchor 3+ is 2.63%.Shape up non fat Milk Powder and New dale are 0%.
According to the analyze I asked How many years are you using the Anchor product? and major people say since birth (50%) and more than 5 years (44.74%) and less than 5 years 5.26% and 5 years is 0%.
According to the analyze I asked which of the following statements - if applicable - best describes why you buy your Anchor milk powder? And major people say it tastes good on its own or as a mixer (34.21%).and 23.68% for it gets my mind in gear. And 18.42% for it fits my lifestyle choice. and It has an image I'd like to be associated with is 15.79%. It provides good value against the competition is 7.89%.
According to the analyze I asked Is Anchor’s packaging system good According to the analyze I asked Is Anchor’s packaging system good? And major people say good (55.26%).and 31.58% for very good. And 10.53% for neither. and bad is 2.63%.and 0% of very bad.
According to the analyze I asked Do you feel different taste in Anchor rest of others? And major people say yes (71.05%).and 13.16% for No. And 15.79% for both are same.
According to the analyze I asked a matrix question based the question first I asked about the Are you Satisfy in Anchor products? and major people agreed totally with it and the number of agree people are above 10. Then I asked about Are you Satisfy in Anchor Advertisement? and major people are agreed to it and the number of voters are around 30. I asked the Are you satisfied in Anchor price? and above 10 people say neither and 10 people agreed and 3 people strongly disagree with it. Finally I asked the question Are you satisfied in Anchor quality and quality? and 16 people agreed totally. 1 people strongly disagree for it. So overall Anchor in a good position that their product, advertisement and quality are satisfactions their customers.
According to the analyze I asked What influences your choice of anchor According to the analyze I asked What influences your choice of anchor .And major people say taste (36.84%).and 28.95% for brand image and 23.68% for customer loyalty And availability and advertisement are 5.26% and 0% of price.
According to the analyze I asked Will you consider changing products if another product is cheaper and with the same quality as anchor? .And major people say yes (57.89%) and 42.11% says No.
According to the analyze I asked Compared to competitors, is Anchor product price. And major people say about the same (50%) and better is 31.58% and 18.42% of worse.
According to the analyze I asked How do you feel the Anchor advertises then it competitors? And major people say good (76.32%) and very good (15.79%) and neither is 7.89% and bad and very bad is 0%.
According to the analyze I asked Is Anchor milk powder has higher demand in Sri Lanka? And major people say yes (92.11%) and No is 7.89%.
According to the analyze I asked Is it healthy to customer According to the analyze I asked Is it healthy to customer? And major people say yes (84..21%) and No is 15.79%.
According to the analyze I asked to rate the brands and My juice is in leading because major people voted for My juice.. Ambewala is in second.. Infant milk powder and Maliban milk and daily farm are in next. So in this analyze can see that people are more aware of the brands.
According to the analyze I asked SATISFACTION PARAMETER question based the question first I asked about the How does Anchor Powder compare to other suppliers of competitive product? And How does Anchor Powder compare to all other suppliers with whom they do business? and major people say good. And little bit of average and excellent. And none poor and N/A.
According to the analyze I asked Do you prefer to Anchor According to the analyze I asked Do you prefer to Anchor? And major people say Packet (65.79%) and 21.05% of Aluminium and 7.89% for Plastic tins. Rest of 5.26% is other.
According to the analyze I asked Are the Anchor products available in your area shops? And major people say yes (65.79%) and 34.21% for No..
According to the analyze I asked What product have you purchased the most? And major people say Anchor (86.84%) and Instant Anchor is 10.53% and Anchor plus is 2.63% and non fat and Anchor plus 2 are 0%.
According to the analyze I asked Still is it in your mind as a household name? And major people say yes (97.37%) and only 2.63% people say No.
According to the analyze I asked How do you feel about Anchor after DCD? And major people say not bad (42.11%) and 26.32% people say never mind and excellent is 15.79% and 13.16 is bad and bane is only 2.63%.
According to the analyze I asked Rest of other milk powder product get popular by using this DCD? And major people say yes (60.53%) and 39.47% people say No.
Anchor is the market leading brand of milk powder market Anchor is the market leading brand of milk powder market. so the authority of Anchor milk powder must find the ways to expand total market demand. The authority must protect its current market share through good defensive and offensive actions. The company should M try to increase its market share further, even if the market size remains constant
The price of Anchor milk powder is higher to the retailers and also consumer’s point of view price is moderate to the competitors. So pricing policy may be reviewed with competitors for higher sales of the product. Majority consumers purchase milk powder nearest convenience shop. When preferred brand is not available they find another shop. So, company should ensure the availability of the product to pocket outlets because most of the outlets are under the distributor of the company but they do not cover fully. Anchor milk powder products are acknowledged to be better quality and this has to be maintained in all the way.
Thank you