Bible Questions About Salvation Matthew 19:16-26
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What Then Can Be Saved? Came from a fit subject of salvation One accountable to God (Matthew 19:16-26) Infant baptism not necessary (Matthew 18:5)
What Then Can Be Saved? Context Question from a young man Didn’t like the answer (v. 22) Difficult for those who trust in riches (Matthew 6:19-21)
What Then Can Be Saved? Disciples’ question Perhaps due to the uprightness of the man (v. 25) Rich people can be saved
What Then Can Be Saved? Answer: Anyone can be saved Available to all (1 Timothy 2:4) In Christ (Galatians 3:27; Ephesians 1:3-13) Savior of the body (Ephesians 5:23)
To Whom Shall We Go? (John 6:41-71) Context Discussion of the “bread of life” (v. 33) Must “eat His flesh and drink His blood” (v. 53)
To Whom Shall We Go? (John 6:41-71) Reaction of the audience Objected saying, “This is a difficult saying” Many went back (v. 66) Like many today who don’t accept the truth about baptism, the one church, marriage and divorce, etc.
To Whom Shall We Go? (John 6:41-71) Jesus’ question: “Will you also go away?” Concerned about their souls However, would not compromise the Truth
To Whom Shall We Go? (John 6:41-71) Their question: “To whom shall we go?” Nowhere else to go (v. 68) Only Jesus saves (Acts 4:12; Hebrews 5:9; 7:22)
What Must I Do? (Acts 2:37; 9:6; 16:30) Convicted of sin Happens when Gospel is preached Jesus is the Christ (v. 36)
What Must I Do? (Acts 2:37; 9:6; 16:30) Question under consideration “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” (v. 37) Recognized the need to do something (9:6; 16:30)
What Must I Do? (Acts 2:37; 9:6; 16:30) Answer Repent and be baptized (v. 38) Answer bound in heaven (Matthew 16:16-18)
How Shall We Escape? (Hebrews 2:1-3) Lost through neglect Neglected structures decay Same thing happens to souls
How Shall We Escape? (Hebrews 2:1-3) Greatness of salvation Jesus is great (vv. 1, 2) Give heed (Acts 20:32; James 1:21)
How Shall We Escape? (Hebrews 2:1-3) Answer Old Testament saints ignore the warning (Numbers 15:32-36) Look at their example (vv. 2, 3; 10:26-31)
Conclusion What will you give in exchange for your soul? You determine the selling price