Dinosaurs 3 rd Grade Ms. Wade Click for Next Slide
Click on the dinosaur you want to learn more about: Diplodocus Compsognathus Pterodactyl Spinosaurus Velociraptor Tyrannosaurus Rex Tyrannosaurus Rex Tyrannosaurus Rex Tyrannosaurus Rex Triceratops Brachiosaurus CLICK BUTTON FOR QUIZ
DiplodocusDiplodocus Diplodocus means “double beamed lizard” Diplodocus means “double beamed lizard” Herbivore (plant-eater) Herbivore (plant-eater) Lived at the end of the Jurassic Period Lived at the end of the Jurassic Period The longest known dinosaur up to 88 feet The longest known dinosaur up to 88 feet Weighing about 12 tons Weighing about 12 tons Diplodocus means “double beamed lizard” Diplodocus means “double beamed lizard” Herbivore (plant-eater) Herbivore (plant-eater) Lived at the end of the Jurassic Period Lived at the end of the Jurassic Period The longest known dinosaur up to 88 feet The longest known dinosaur up to 88 feet Weighing about 12 tons Weighing about 12 tons Return to Main Menu
CompsognathusCompsognathus Compsognathus means “pretty mouth” Compsognathus means “pretty mouth” Carnivore (meat-eater) Carnivore (meat-eater) Lived around France and Germany Lived around France and Germany Lived during the Early Jurassic period Lived during the Early Jurassic period Only grew up to 4.5ft and 6.5lbs Only grew up to 4.5ft and 6.5lbs Compsognathus means “pretty mouth” Compsognathus means “pretty mouth” Carnivore (meat-eater) Carnivore (meat-eater) Lived around France and Germany Lived around France and Germany Lived during the Early Jurassic period Lived during the Early Jurassic period Only grew up to 4.5ft and 6.5lbs Only grew up to 4.5ft and 6.5lbs Return to Main Menu
PterodactylPterodactyl Pterodactyl means “No teeth” Pterodactyl means “No teeth” Carnivore “meat eater” Carnivore “meat eater” Lived in North America Lived in North America Lived during the Late Cretaceous period Lived during the Late Cretaceous period Grew up to 30ft long and around 40lbs Grew up to 30ft long and around 40lbs Pterodactyl means “No teeth” Pterodactyl means “No teeth” Carnivore “meat eater” Carnivore “meat eater” Lived in North America Lived in North America Lived during the Late Cretaceous period Lived during the Late Cretaceous period Grew up to 30ft long and around 40lbs Grew up to 30ft long and around 40lbs Return to Main Menu
SpinosaurusSpinosaurus Spinosaurus means “spine lizard” Spinosaurus means “spine lizard” Carnivore (meat-eater) Carnivore (meat-eater) Lived in North Africa Lived in North Africa Lived in the middle to late Cretaceous period Lived in the middle to late Cretaceous period Estimated to be around 49ft long and weighing around 6,000lbs Estimated to be around 49ft long and weighing around 6,000lbs Spinosaurus means “spine lizard” Spinosaurus means “spine lizard” Carnivore (meat-eater) Carnivore (meat-eater) Lived in North Africa Lived in North Africa Lived in the middle to late Cretaceous period Lived in the middle to late Cretaceous period Estimated to be around 49ft long and weighing around 6,000lbs Estimated to be around 49ft long and weighing around 6,000lbs Return to Main Menu
VelociraptorVelociraptor Velociraptor means “Quick hunter” Velociraptor means “Quick hunter” Carnivore (meat-eater) Carnivore (meat-eater) Lived around Mongolia and China Lived around Mongolia and China Lived during the late Cretaceous period Lived during the late Cretaceous period Grew to about 5.5ft long and 65lbs Grew to about 5.5ft long and 65lbs Velociraptor means “Quick hunter” Velociraptor means “Quick hunter” Carnivore (meat-eater) Carnivore (meat-eater) Lived around Mongolia and China Lived around Mongolia and China Lived during the late Cretaceous period Lived during the late Cretaceous period Grew to about 5.5ft long and 65lbs Grew to about 5.5ft long and 65lbs Return to Main Menu
Tyrannosaurus Rex Tyrannosaurus Rex means “Tyrant reptile” Tyrannosaurus Rex means “Tyrant reptile” Carnivore (meat-eater) Carnivore (meat-eater) Lived in North America Lived in North America Lived during the late Cretaceous period Lived during the late Cretaceous period Grew up to 40ft long and 12,000lbs Grew up to 40ft long and 12,000lbs Tyrannosaurus Rex means “Tyrant reptile” Tyrannosaurus Rex means “Tyrant reptile” Carnivore (meat-eater) Carnivore (meat-eater) Lived in North America Lived in North America Lived during the late Cretaceous period Lived during the late Cretaceous period Grew up to 40ft long and 12,000lbs Grew up to 40ft long and 12,000lbs Return to Main Menu
TriceratopsTriceratops Triceratops means “Three horned head” Triceratops means “Three horned head” Herbivore (plant-eater) Herbivore (plant-eater) Lived around North America Lived around North America Lived in the late Cretaceous period Lived in the late Cretaceous period Grew up to 30ft long and 12,000lbs Grew up to 30ft long and 12,000lbs Triceratops means “Three horned head” Triceratops means “Three horned head” Herbivore (plant-eater) Herbivore (plant-eater) Lived around North America Lived around North America Lived in the late Cretaceous period Lived in the late Cretaceous period Grew up to 30ft long and 12,000lbs Grew up to 30ft long and 12,000lbs Return to Main Menu
BrachiosaurusBrachiosaurus Brachiosaurus means “Arm reptile” Brachiosaurus means “Arm reptile” Herbivore (plant-eater) Herbivore (plant-eater) Lived around North America, Europe, Portugal and Tanzania Lived around North America, Europe, Portugal and Tanzania Lived in the early Jurassic period Lived in the early Jurassic period Grew up to 85ft long and 160,000lbs Grew up to 85ft long and 160,000lbs The LARGEST and HEAVIEST land animal ever discovered! The LARGEST and HEAVIEST land animal ever discovered! Brachiosaurus means “Arm reptile” Brachiosaurus means “Arm reptile” Herbivore (plant-eater) Herbivore (plant-eater) Lived around North America, Europe, Portugal and Tanzania Lived around North America, Europe, Portugal and Tanzania Lived in the early Jurassic period Lived in the early Jurassic period Grew up to 85ft long and 160,000lbs Grew up to 85ft long and 160,000lbs The LARGEST and HEAVIEST land animal ever discovered! The LARGEST and HEAVIEST land animal ever discovered! Return to Main Menu
What dinosaur lives in North America was the largest dinosaur ever discovered? A. Tyrannosaurus RexA. Tyrannosaurus RexA. Tyrannosaurus RexA. Tyrannosaurus Rex B. SpinosaurousB. SpinosaurousB. SpinosaurousB. Spinosaurous C. BronchiosaurusC. BronchiosaurusC. BronchiosaurusC. Bronchiosaurus Click on the answer!
Aww it’s NOT me! I am only 40ft long and 12,000lbs! There is someone bigger than me! Click to Return
It’s NOT me! I am only 49ft long and 6,000lbs! There is someone bigger than me! Click to Return
You got it! I am the LARGEST and don’t forget HEAVIEST dinosaur ever discovered! I used to grow up to 85ft long and reach up to 160,000lbs! Click to Move On
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