Jurassic Period Bianca & Alycia 3 Blue
The Jurassic Period The Jurassic Period million years ago The Jurassic constitutes the middle period of the Mesozoic era, also known as the "Age of Reptiles. The start of the period is marked by the major Triassic–Jurassic extinction event
Plants Flowering plants evolved about 140 million years ago This would soon change the face of the earth. There had to be enough greenery for the dinosaurs to live.
Animals The main animals in the Jurassic period were the dinosaurs. The Dinosaurs were so large there were barely any other animals or plants because of the dinosaurs hunger.
Earth The Earth was completely different to the way it is now. The world was going through global warming in the Mesozoic era. It changed the face of the earth. The Earth was changing drastically during the Jurassic Period.
Other information The palaeontologists discovered that the cause of global warming was the dinosaurs letting out gas. The other palaeontologists thought the cause of global warming was because of the ice ages. This is how it effected the worlds surface.
Look at these Dinosaurs!!!
Thankyou for watching our slideshow! Alycia and Bianca