School CO 2 Net Start of an educational project around Groningen University Harro A.J. Meijer (CIO) and Martin J. Goedhart (IDO) Goals: Let pupils experience: CO 2 is NOT exotic, but measurable at and around school (and in the class room) Learn about making measurements (reliability, calibration) Learn about the carbon cycle Learn about atmospheric processes and basic meteorology Learn about climate issues and global change in general
Necessity (1): Instrumentation CO 2 analyser: needs to be - reliable - cheap - yet reasonably accurate Analyser of choice: Vaisala GMP 343 Supply secondary schools with a monitoring station consisting of : a CO 2 analyser and a basic meteorological station
(1) Instrumentation (cntd): For monitoring:- Wind speed and direction - Temperature, pressure and humidity Our choice: Davis Vantage Pro wireless. Extras: solar insolation, precipitation amount Select a basic meteorological station
Necessity (2): Data handling Database system for - Data storage and processing - Visualisation - Data exchange between schools - Availability of the CIO station Lutjewad data - General information about the project - Educational materials and links
Necessity (3): Educational material Use the existing network between the didactics organisation of the u. Groningen natural science faculty and secondary school teachers - Consider both the measurement results and the measurement process - Huge potential for pupil exam projects - Texts, leaflets, booklets - Excursions taking the CO 2 analyser along (class room, parking houses, pastures, crop fields, woods, greenhouses) -Visits to the participating schools by CIO scientists - Site visits by school classes or groups of pupils
Practicalities -Financing: First 3 schools paid by private Dutch foundation (Gratama foundation). One school in the city, one in the "suburbs", one rural. - Team of 8 interested schools is formed for educational material development, 5 of them on the waiting list for equipment Time Schedule July 2005: Gratama foundation grants application September 05:Selection and Purchase of instruments November 05:Elementary form of data base ready November 05:Start of Educational material development December 05:Installation of the devices on the roofs of the schools
Outlook - General enthusiasm among secondary schools - More funding needed (about 5 k€ instrumentation per school) - If project extends: personnel support will be needed beyond our CIO research group (at present only few months of student assistance included in application) Extension with the Wageningen E-mission project (Hilhorst) European dimensions??