Assessing the Value of Synchronous Learning Phillip Knutel, Bentley University Louis Chin, Bentley University Jim Lee, UMass Online (Lowell) MJ Potvin, Suffolk University
My Background with Online Learning Worked for the VP for IT and Dean for Academic Outreach (online learning) at Michigan –He left to start Internet2 –I left as Director of Academic Technology for Academic Outreach to come to Bentley –My Ph.D. dissertation research was on enabling widespread faculty adoption of extant technologies Excelsior College –36,500 online students; 500 employees, and few faculty –Competency testing model –I serve on Curriculum Development Committee –President John Ebersole on Boston Higher Education Innovation Council (BHEIC) –I serve on Steering Committee for BHEIC
Fellow BHEIC Steering Committee Members Include: Kris Clerkin, SNHU Executive Director, College for America –$2,500/year associate’s degree for working adults –ConAgra sponsor; plan to enroll 100,000 in 1 st 5 years Sean Gallagher, Senior Strategist & Market Development Officer, Northeastern University –Launching campuses in Charlotte, NC and Seattle, WA Peter Stokes, Vice President for Global Strategy and Business Development, Northeastern University –Former Executive Vice President and Chief Research Officer, Eduventures Michael Sandler, Founder, Eduventures
Online Courses/Collaboration Team Members Received an asynchronous online MS in 2013 Completed doctoral dissertation at BU on online learning Worked at and taught for the University of Phoenix Online (asynchronous) Worked at and taught for Northeastern Online (asynchronous) Taken (and even completed!) Carnegie Mellon MOOC (asynchronous) Regularly attend and present at online learning conferences Began creating asynchronous course materials in the 1980s Regularly assist faculty in developing asynchronous resources to enhance learning outside the physical or online classroom
Collaboration Tools Seek out & implement the best available technology to: –Facilitate student engagement –Appeal to variety of learning styles –Support collaborative & peer-to-peer learning –Provide immersive learning environments –Improve information literacy –Time-shift content delivery (“flipping the classroom”) –Enable staff collaboration No allegiance to any particular tool or method –Saba Centra, Oovoo, Google Drive & Hangouts, Citrix GoToMeeting (love the phone bridge!) & Podio, Adobe Connect, Wimba Pronto, Cisco WebEx, BaseCamp, etc.Podio –Collaborative tools class projectproject
Online Learning Context Total enrollment in US higher ed: 21M Students taking at least one online course: 6.7M (32%) Annual online growth rate: 9.3% (lowest in 10 years; was 37% in 2005) = 570K Online “adoption barriers” by chief academic officers: –Even at institutions that offer online degrees, only 38% of faculty accept the value and legitimacy of online education –89% (highest ever) consider it “important” or “very important” that students need more discipline to succeed Most faculty say students don’t read assigned material in traditional classes –74% (highest ever) concerned over low retention rates Usually due to lack of engagement with professor and other students –40% concerned over lack of acceptance by employers 2.6% of colleges & universities have a MOOC –9.4% planning one, 55% undecided, 33% no plans
Our Online Strategy – Leverage Bentley’s strengths in teaching and state-of- the-art academic technology to offer the highest quality online experience available, and … –Do so in the most cost-effective way possible
Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Learning Models ● Studies show no significant difference in the effectiveness of asynchronous versus synchronous learning. 1 ● Anecdotal evidence that synchronous learning increases student satisfaction and retention. 2 ● While students’ general perceptions were slightly better in the synchronous model, and significantly better in “Clear Delivery” and “Enthusiasm”, retention rates were similar (above 80%)
Our Online Strategy Approach designed to 1.Maintain the same quality of education throughout Accreditation teams have praised this consistency Engagement with synchronous resident and online colleagues Leveraging our students as Technical Assistants to ensure faculty can focus on student learning 2.Outreach to students, enabling them to learn from a distance (work or location reasons) Utilize technology used by distributed, global work teams 3.Develop our skill set for an increase in synchronous online communities In hybrid classes, with asynchronous elements Allow growth while constraining the size of physical classroom
Online Continuum (1) Asynchronous Online Online correspondence course Can be offered to thousands or hundreds of thousands of students (MIT) Startup and operating costs are possibly in the millions (2) Synchronous Online Live, engaging, interactive Ideal for dynamic content Local students cannot attend in traditional campus classroom setting (3) Bentley Hybrid Broad appeal to local, regional, and distance markets - attend online or in person Asynchronous access to materials via Blackboard Profitable once marginal cost of technical assistant is covered
Anytime with internet connection Set dates for enrollment, assignment deadlines, quizzes, tests From anywhere except no campus, classroom attendance is possible Delayed and mostly text-based Sometimes through recorded videos Limited to online students Physical face-to-face networking not supported 10-20% higher than in person Paid for course development and/or a premium for teaching online Bentley Hybrid Time Place Faculty-student interaction Audience Attrition Compensation Asynchronous Online Anytime for class material and preparatory exercises Set time for live, interactive class sessions Students can attend in person or online from anywhere Live, audio and video with in-class whiteboards boards projected virtually Online & area students who want to network and build relationships in person Same as in-person Nothing above salary for teaching traditional class, but a technical assistant is needed Defining Characteristics
Faculty requirements: Multimedia course material development Post lecture learning materials Time working with students Asynchronous Online Significant faculty time must be invested designing, developing, and revising material with instructional designers who specialize in creating asynchronous content Syllabus, assignments, online quizzes, discussion boards, blogs, wikis, etc. must be prepared for asynchronous learning Professor or teaching assistant must respond to student electronic discussions and questions via or other electronic media Yes No Bentley Hybrid Normal course development with any paper materials scanned and digitized Syllabus usually include links to readings from library databases. Other materials optional due to live class meetings Normal class meeting time and office hours, Yes Work on individual assignments or Collaboratively in groups anytime, anywhere Work in live, real-time groups during class, with professor’s live guidance Watch playbacks of live, participative classes for clarification of missed concepts & further reinforcement Student potential:
Since 2001, via “Word of Mouth” –20,188 students have enrolled in 696 hybrid and online classes taught by 110 faculty –This year 30% of graduate classes were offered in hybrid format 37% of graduate students took at least one hybrid class 39% of students in hybrid classes attended online –Growth leveled off since due to gradual elimination of PF courses, real estate MS, GS classes for HFID, etc.
Quality Assessment Quality indicators at Bentley include: –80% of online students rate their experience 8/10 or higher –100% want more hybrid classes –90% of all students utilize playbacks for learning reinforcement/missed classes –Attrition rates no different than on-campus classes Attrition rates for freshmen average 35% for online versus 20% in traditional courses –Same Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET) scores
External Validation Bose has visited campus twice to see our state-of-the-art classroom setup, digital processors, and ceiling microphone systems in action “While mixing online instruction with face-to-face time is not exactly new, momentum for hybrid learning has been building ever since a Department of Education meta-study in 2010 quietly announced that traditional education simply doesn't stack up. In that study, online education was determined to be more effective than traditional classrooms--and blended learning topped the lot.” Campus Technology, May 3, 2013
Quality Assessment University of Tennessee’s Physician’s Executive MBA program found: –Blended learning programs can be completed in half the time, at less than half the cost –Rich mix of live/synchronous, asynchronous, and physical classroom delivery improved learning outcomes by 10% over traditional classroom –Multiple modes enhanced amount and quality of learning EDUVENTURES 2005 study of year olds (now year olds): –85% interest in hybrid online + on campus college programs with 56% were more likely to consider a hybrid over a purely online one
Third party cost indicators and perspectives Over 50% of Fortune 100 companies use Saba Centra in the workplace - Our online students learn to collaborate with this tool
Sample of MBA Programs That Also Incorporate Synchronous Collaboration Tools
Synchronous Collaboration Tool Costs? Bell Canada Return-on-Investment (ROI) Study –2.5 hour asynchronous course w/ short video took 1,487 hours to develop 5 year ROI = 288% For every $1 spent developing web-based training, Bell saved $3 Break-even after 111 students –4 hour synchronous course using Centra took 144 hours to develop 5 year ROI = 3,283% For every $1 spent developing web-based training, Bell saved $33 Break-even after 4 students
–Linking self-paced (asynchronous) material to live e- learning delivery has a profound effect on overall usage and completion rates –Can dramatically increase the ROI of self-paced (asynchronous) content –Provide an online experience equal in learning & satisfaction of our on-campus students Bentley University doctoral student’s dissertation research –VideoVideo Hybrid approach can offer cost-effective high quality
Asynchronous? Can be much more competitive and profitable when: –Content is more static than dynamic To recoup investment in materials development –Enrollments are very high (hundreds to thousands) Often use lots of adjuncts and Teaching Assistants to engage students Bentley’s Technical Assistants do not teach but manage the technical issues, so faculty can focus on teaching Stanford Researchers, December 2003 How static is content in Bentley’s technology-infused business curriculum? –Asynchronous intro courses? –Implications for reputation/brand? MOOC dropout rates average 90%+ (95.5% for MIT’s 1 st MOOC) –Ownership?
Campus Technology (June 2004) –Estimate of $10K-25K per credit hour or $300K-750K development costs for an asynchronous MS University of Maryland’s University College asynchronous online MBA program –Estimated $22,399 loss for a class of 15; $61,838 profit for a class of 20 Northeastern Online’s asynchronous program has 23 F/T employees and made $2M profit in 2010 (after third-party provider’s cut) Arizona State’s Online program has 24 F/T employees; generated $6.2M profit in 2011 Asynchronous Course Development Costs
When You Read About High Enrollment/Revenue Numbers at UMass Online etc… Total Online Enrollments Net Positive RevenueAdd’l Funding from President’s Office FY015,009-- FY028,024-- FY0311,122-- FY0415,780-- FY0517,661-- FY0621,478-- FY0726,855$45,000$1,150,000 FY0832,888$13,900$1,150,000 FY0938,435$4,000$850,000 FY1043,855$1,256,724$700,000 FY1149,350-$500,000
High Quality, and Highly Profitable We’ve largely replaced labor with capital –“Hybridized” existing smart classrooms Use investments to support 80+ additional non-course events/year –Faculty receive no additional compensation for teaching online –Student technical assistants Each hybrid class profitable after 1.3 online students enroll –$4615 cost per class covers ALL incremental capital (servers, classroom equipment), depreciation, & operating (student salaries, full-time salaries & benefits, software licenses, etc.) expenditures –All online enrollments after this represent pure profit