Objective 8.01: RECOGNIZE ways to control comfort through air quality.
Because homes are more airtight, the air in our homes can become polluted Home air pollution comes from cleaning and beauty products, smoke, dust, pet dander and some building materials.
Home air pollution can cause people to develop allergies, feel tired, or develop other serious illnesses What are some ways to eliminate home air pollution?
Carbon Monoxide Colorless, odorless, tasteless gas Caused by incomplete burning of fossil fuel Symptoms range from headaches to brain damage to death.
Carbon Monoxide Detectors Sounds an alarm when low levels of CO are detected.
Radon Radioactive gas that occurs naturally in soil and rock Second leading cause of lung cancer Seeps into home through cracks in foundation.
Radon Detection Free home tests are available to check radon levels radon/radontest.html radon/radontest.html SOSRADON
Mold or Mildew Fungus that grows in moisture and warmth (bathrooms, under carpet, in walls and ceilings, behind wallpaper) Causes allergies and other respiratory conditions.
Dehumidifier Removes excess moisture from the air that can cause mildew, molds, and musty odors Generally not needed if there is an air conditioner in the home.
Air That is Too Dry May cause asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, and nosebleeds Causes static electricity, and split wood floors and furniture.
Humidifier Adds moisture into air of home.
Allergies Caused by exposure to dust and other pollutants in the home.
Air Purifiers and Air Filters Reduce indoor pollution such as dust, mold, bacteria, and other pollutants Filters are used in furnaces and intake areas to remove dust or air impurities Change every 30 days.