QUALITY HEALTH AND WELLNESS PRODUCTS AT WHOLESALE PRICES Your Health is our Business SAVE UP TO 75% 50 YEAR WARRANTIES FREE IN HOME SERVICE BelKraft in business since 1965 BelKraft Water Purifiers Air Filters Vacumatic Cookware Juice Extractors and more… BelKraft in business since 1965 For more information Call: Toll free: BelKraft International Juice Extractors Stainless Steel Juicer The ultimate "Health machine”. Simple to use, easy to clean. Powerful motor maximizes juice production. Reliable and superior quality with turbo boost feature. Benefit from all the natural nutrients and vitamins in your very own home-made fruit and vegetable juice. Vacuum Food Storage Food lasts five times longer in its near vacuum state. Also freezer, microwave and dishwasher safe. Distributors in Canada, USA, Europe, Asia and Hawaii
Water Purifiers BelKraft water purifiers use a unique, well proven, 4 stage washable ceramic and carbon block cartridge which removes bacteria, heavy metals and toxic chemicals from the water. It produces a mineral rich healthy alkaline balanced water. Other filters remove the natural minerals leaving water unnaturally acidic. An acidic body is the main cause of most diseases and illnesses. With BelKraft your family has unlimited, affordable great tasting water. Air Purifiers Vacumatic Cookware Vacumatic 7- Ply 304T Surgical Stainless Steel Waterless Cookware A new concept in food preparation made by the worlds most respected North American manufacturer of the highest quality surgical stainless steel cookware in business since BelKraft’s custom made cookware carries a full 50 year lifetime warranty. The only cookware that pays for itself, then pays you to cook with it. The unique low heat vacuum process makes cooking simpler, safer and cheaper. Provides healthy food that is rich in taste, colour and full of the essential nutrients and vitamins that are destroyed when boiling, steaming or microwave cooking. Whistle while you work! When you hear the 'whistle' you simply close the Vacuum-Control valve and turn off the heat. Your food will then cook automatically in a vacuum vapor. You save money every time you cook with BelKraft Vacumatic Waterless cookware. Washable Cartridge Residential and Commercial BELKRAFT FOUR STAGE CERAMICS REMINERALISING REVERSE OSMOSIS NO-SALT WATER SOFTENERS WHOLE HOUSE SYSTEMS SHOWER FILTERS AND MORE… Indoor air can be up to 100 times more toxic than the air outside! Insulation keeps warm or cold air inside your home. It also keeps in toxic airborne chemicals, carbon monoxide from your furnace and toxic fumes from cleaning products, carpets, pets and furnishings. BelKraft Air Purifiers make all of the air you breathe up to 99% cleaner, giving a safer, fresher, more comfortable allergen free environment. Using multi-stage technology our purifiers are far more effective than anything available in a store. Each stage is an independent air filter. BelKraft has a solution for all your needs. Ranging from car, room or whole house filters up to commercial filtration systems.