Learning Basic Arabic By: Hiba Moussa
Grade Level : Grade 1 Content Area : Arabic Alphabet, Colors (in Arabic), Days of the week (In Arabic), numbers(1-10). Academic Content Standards: Learners comprehend the main idea and relevant details in a variety of age-appropriate live, written and recorded messages; personal anecdotes; and narratives in the language. They understand and interpret authentic texts ranging from articles in contemporary magazines, newspapers and Internet sources to children’s stories and classical literary texts. Learners derive meaning through the use of listening, viewing and reading strategies. Learners reinforce and expand their knowledge across disciplines as they acquire information and distinctive viewpoints directly through authentic print, non-print and digital language and culture sources. Activity: Students are to listen to things spoke out and point at them or match them with the appropriate answer. Learning Basic Arabic
Menu Letters Colors Days of the week Numbers
Letters **28**
Alphabet Song
Reading the Alphabets
Butterfly Fish Dolphin Snake
Letters when writing we write from right to left. For example: Hiba (my name)---- ة ب ه هبة
Writing Process letters changes when writing them at the beginning, middle, and end of the word. Example: Bird, Helper, Brave. - ع: عصفور, معين, شجاع
Colors Red أحمر Blue أزرق Green أخضر Black أسود
Colors White أبيض Pink زهر Gray رمادي Orange برتقالي White أبيض
Colors video
Days of the week Sunday الأحد Monday الاثنين Tuesday الثلاثاء Wednesday الأربعاء
Days of the week Thursday الخميس Friday الجمعة Saturday السبت
Days of the week
Numbers ١٢٣٤٥١٢٣٤٥
Numbers ٦ ٧ ٨ ٩ ١٠
Activity أخضر أزرق أحمر Match the Picture with the right word.
Citation Fatiha Chou (29 weeks ago). Days of the week. Learn Arabic. Retrieved from Koloud 'Kay' Tarapolsi (n.d.) Arabic alphabet animal poster. Arabic Alphabet Fun Flashcards. Retrieved from fun-flashcards Koloud 'Kay' Tarapolsi Arabic Alphabet Fun Flashcards fun-flashcards