9B Fit and Healthy
Fitness Am I fit? Why? Which body systems are affected by fitness? What are the four features of fitness?
Fitness tests ActivityWhat does it measure? My score Sit and reach______cm Ruler drop______cm Standing stork______s The plank____min ____s Leg raise____min ____s Vertical jump______cm Long jump______cm
The respiratory system Name the parts of the respiratory system Where does gas exchange happen? WHat happens when we breathe in? Out?
Blue sticks
Smoking Name some substances found in cigarettes What is the name of the addictive substance? Name some effects of smoking on your body Name some methods to stop smoking.
UK Smoking adverts The Bryan Curtis Story Smoking kids
Relieves stress FACT: There is no chemical present in cigarette smoke that significantly reduces stress Addiction A subject or object over which an individual has lost choice or control Why would you want to smoke?
“…the cigarette for the beginner is a symbolic act, it says ‘I am no longer my mother’s child. I am tough, I am an adventurer, I am not a square’… as the force from the psychological symbolism subsides, the pharmacological effect takes over to sustain the habit.” Philip Morris (Tobacco manufacturer) 1978 Who wants you to smoke?
What Is In A Cigarette? Tobacco Paper Filter
The Real Contents …
Why Is Smoking Harmful?
Lungs The tar in cigarette smoke damages cells in the airways of your lungs. Eventually this damage can produce cells that grow uncontrollably - leading to cancer of the lung or voice box (larynx).
1 Pack A Day for 20 Years
Heart From the moment smoke reaches your lungs, your heart is forced to work harder. Your pulse quickens, forcing your heart to beat an extra 10 to 25 times per minute, as many as 36,000 additional times per day.Because of the irritating effect of nicotine and other components of tobacco smoke, your heartbeat is more likely to be irregular. This can contribute to cardiac arrhythmia, and many other serious coronary conditions, such as heart attack. A recent Surgeon General’s report estimated that about 170,000 heart attacks each year are caused by smoking.
Blood Vessels Smoking increases your risk of vascular disease of the extremities. Severe cases may require amputation. This condition can produce pain and can increase your risk of blood clots in the lungs.
Skin Smoking constricts the blood vessels in your skin, decreasing the delivery of life-giving oxygen to this vital organ. As the result of this decrease in blood flow, a smoker’s skin becomes more susceptible to wrinkling.
How To Stop NHS Stop Smoking support groups Nicotine Gum Nicotine Patches Inhalators Nasal Spray Hypnosis
Cause of DeathNumberApprox % Alcoholic Liver Disease5, HIV Murder & Manslaughter Suicide40663 Traffic Accidents3, Poisoning & Overdose Other Accidents8, Smoking Deaths114,16583 Number of deaths in the UK from different unnatural causes each year Mortality stats 2002, Office for National statistics, Annual Report, Statistics and Research agency, 2002
The Other Cost of Smoking…to you
Produce a graph to show the data either of the two previous slides.
2 cigarettes a day for nine months OR £140
2 cigarettes a day for two years £328
5 cigarettes a day for 1 year OR £410
20 cigarettes a day for 3 years £8,212
20 cigarettes a day for 5 years £32,850
20 cigarettes a day for 10 years £65,700 OR
“Over 200,000 hectares of forest are cut down and burnt every year to ‘cure’ the tobacco. That’s 2 million square km a year. Tobacco production also poisons soil that could be used for food crops in developing countries” Source: ash.org.uk The Cost of Smoking…to the World
Diet Which are the 7 components of a healthy diet? Name a food/drink with a high proportion of each one. What happens if you do not eat enough of one nutrient?
Research the deficiency diseases in the table
Obesity What is obesity? Name some causes of obesity. Name some health problems caused by obesity. How can obesity be reduced or prevented?
Answer the learning objective questions as you watch the videos
One of the problems of obesity is high blood pressure Measure your blood pressure and put it on the graph
Drugs What is a drug? What is the difference between a recreational drug and medecine?
What do you know about Cannabis? What are some of the different names for Cannabis? What are some of the effects of Cannabis?
Names Ganja Marijuana Weed Puff Smoke Pot Dope Resin Grass Skunk
Some feel chilled out, relaxed and happy, while others feel sick. Others get the giggles and may become talkative. Feel hungry, called 'getting the munchies'. May be more aware of their senses or get a feeling of slowing of time, which are due to its hallucinogenic effects. The Effects
The situation in Spain “It is illegal in Spain to traffic cannabis or to smoke it in public places. It is legal in Spain to cultivate or smoke cannabis for your own personal use (as long as it is in the privacy of your own home).” Source: ain.htm ain.htm
It was downgraded from a Class B to a Class C drug in January Cannabis is still illegal. The maximum sentence for possession is the same as other Class C drugs, but the maximum prison sentence for supplying it remains at 14 years - the same as other Class B drugs. It was downgraded from a Class B to a Class C drug in January Cannabis is still illegal. The maximum sentence for possession is the same as other Class C drugs, but the maximum prison sentence for supplying it remains at 14 years - the same as other Class B drugs. Cannabis is illegal in the UK
Why is cannabis illegal in the UK? Cannabis smoke contains chemicals which may cause mental illness in some people. There are 400 chemicals in marijuana smoke. 60 of these have been proven to cause cancer. These chemicals can stay in the body for months or even years. Also, marijuana contains THC, a “neurotoxin” (a poison that damages nerves.) Cannabis intoxicates the mind and blurs your judgement compared to cigarettes.
The rest of the world “Recreational marijuana use has long been the subject of heated debate. In some countries smoking weed can come at a heavy price, ranging from execution (United Arab Emirates) to a few years in prison (Japan). Other countries, for instance Canada, see less harm in an occasional joint and allow their citizens to possess small amounts of cannabis”executionprisonfor instance Canada Source: marijuana-laws_n_ htmlhttp:// marijuana-laws_n_ html
Should cannabis be legal? Sort your card sorts into two piles: illegal 1)Reasons why cannabis should remain illegal legalised. 2) Reasons why cannabis should be legalised. Sort your card sorts into two piles: illegal 1)Reasons why cannabis should remain illegal legalised. 2) Reasons why cannabis should be legalised.
Lets think about different ethical approaches people may have. Why are they for or against it? What infomation do they use to make their decision?
Complete the form with the arguements that each “person” might have
Debate regarding the use of cannabis ‘Should cannabis be legalised?’ Group 1: Concerned Parents Group 2: Teenage User Group 3: Drug Dealer Group 4: Police Officer Group 5: Psychiatrist You will have 5 minutes in your group, to create an argument dependant on the group you are placed in. You need to create a persuasive argument
“Cannabis should remain illegal”
Drugs and pregnancy How do the drugs get from the mother to the baby? Why is the baby more affected than the mother? Name some problems a baby may have if their mother uses drugs during pregnancy.
TV report Other videos:
Joints Which body system are the joints a part of? Name the components of a synovial joint.
A joint close up