POLLUTION AND ANAESTHESIA DEFINATION substances present in ambient atmosphere in sufficient concentration to damage health are called polluants.
POLLUTION AND ANAESTHESIA DEFINATION substances present in ambient atmosphere in in harmless concentration they are called contaminants.
POLLUTION AND ANAESTHESIA DEFINATION But it is difficult to differentiate between harmful pollution and harmless contamination. A contaminant becomes a polluant at higher concentration.
POLLUTION AND ANAESTHESIA Sources Inhalation anaestheties are the main source of pollution of the atmosphere of the operating theatre. (Experience in man as well as animal experiments have provided some evidence of the potential hazards of prolonged exposure to low concentrations of inhalation anaesthetics).
POLLUTION AND ANAESTHESIA Modern technology has allowed the detection and measurement of these very small concentrations.
POLLUTION AND ANAESTHESIA The levles of contamination in theatre atmosphere taken as 10ppm for halothane and 100 for N20 (about 1/1000 of MAC value). These concentrations seem insignificant when compared to these administered to patients without detectable sequelae because patients are exposed only occasionally but anaesthetists are exposed throughout most of their professional life.
Contributing factors include: 1.long hours of exposures, 2.high anaesthetic concentrations 3.poor ventilation 4.defective equipment.
POLLUTION AND ANAESTHESIA EXPOSURE HAZARDS: 1.Headache, fatigue, somnolence impairment of professional performance are the most common symptoms. 2.malignancy of lymphoid and reticulo—endothelial tissue, neuropathy, nephropathy, and hepatitis. 3.spontaneous abortions, premature birth, congenital abnormalities and infertility
POLLUTION AND ANAESTHESIA Evidence incriminating inhalation anaesthetics include: 1.N2O produces leucopenia on prolonged administration. 2. Animal experiments suggest that inhalation anaesthetics are teratogenic affecting rapidly developing cells. 3. Most of inhalation anaesthetics are metabolized in the body and some metabolites are toxic. 4. Most of the anaesthetics produce enzyme induction. 5. Most of the anaesthetics have immunosuppressive effects.
ANTI -POLLUTION MEASURES Prevention: (anti—pollution measures) A. Control of anaesthetic usage B. Removal of anaesthetic waste
POLLUTION AND ANAESTHESIA Prevention: (anti—pollution measures) A. Control of anaesthetic usage: by 1. Reduction of fresh gas flow 2. Closed circuits 3. Ecomony in the use of inhalation anaesthetics.
POLLUTION AND ANAESTHESIA Prevention: (anti—pollution measures) B. Removal of anaesthetic waste: by 1. Air conditioning 2. Collection of waste gases by a special collector valve. 3. Disposal of waste gases via a wide—bore, low—resistance tube through scavenger.