s for Professionals David Cohen Wood s for Professionals David Cohen 2009
Why is this important? is often first contact with: teachers, future employees, sources of information, etc. s are not: text messages, contacts with friends, Facebook, etc. Must switch from social to professional s Will cover addresses (names) spelling, grammar & short hand organization & content tone, type, tense and timing RESPECT 2 s for Professionals David Cohen 2009
What makes it professional? Name the first thing seen is your name – is it professional? etc. etc. set up separate professional with and keep personal separate Spelling and grammar check ALL spelling and grammar do not count on spelling checker (e.g. there, their, they’re) PROOF READ ALL PROFESSIONAL S s for Professionals David Cohen 20093
What makes it professional? Short hand and smiley faces these are NOT text messages, use proper words, Grammar why would someone hire anybody who cannot write? NOW is the time to make sure you write properly Content - what is the one point of the main point should be in subject line keep brief and to the point (the main point) better to send 2 s than 1 long one with too much content s for Professionals David Cohen 20094
What makes it professional? Organization many people get 100’s of s a day get right to the point, keep it short (visit later) use attachments for data, reports or lengthy explanations Tone - mind your manners be friendly but firm, respectful but not fawning never forget the power of please & thank you only be as familiar as the professional relationship dictates (egos are easily bruised) s for Professionals David Cohen 20095
What makes it professional? Type, tense and timing use a professional font, size, background (avoid drama) have your time tenses consistent send when you know the audience may read it (avoid being in long list) take your time sending (care & consideration) but be prompt in sending Always be respectful if upset, write the but do not send for 24 hours after thought and editing s for Professionals David Cohen 20096
Professional s Many professionals receive hundreds of s daily sender & subject determine whether they open the They select what to read quickly & rarely read the entire contents of an preview screen only Many use s organization as prioritized to-do list s for Professionals David Cohen 20097