Shan Sankar
Where do we have these classes?
What classes ? Jr Math class – 5 th and 6 th Graders (some 4 th graders) SAT Math class from 6 th Grade and up. No 12 th graders – no new 11 th graders. SAT English SAT English writing class
When do we have these classes? Math classes are every Sunday 7:30 am at Chinmaya mission and every Saturday morning 11:15 AM at SAI Temple. (1 st class Sep 7 th Chinmaya,6 th SAI) English writing is once a month on a 10:30 AM at Hindu Temple. English SAT is once a month on a Sunday at Hindu temple and once a month on Saturday SAI Temple *** For Dates please visit the calendar section in our home page.
Do we need to buy Books?
Books for Jr Math No books needed for Jr Math.
About our home page Message of the week; here we post important message
Report Test Scores
Calendar- we post class dates and time
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Test to take-page
How the program works? Student must take a test every month on the 1 st Saturday- full test at home. The test to take for the whole year is mentioned in the test to take page. Kids from 7 th grade must take the test Take the test in a composition note book –no loose paper.
What is the parent’s Role? Correct the test. Add up the raw score and convert them into actual score Keep track of the progress. Keep track of omitted question, See a pattern of mistakes. Bring them to class in time with book, calculator and test papers.
Formula -Book We have put together some of the important formulas that are needed to memorize. We give these books for a small donation to the temple. We spend 5 minutes every day to go through these formulas.
Do we need to take the test? Yes it is very important. Students will not be allowed to sit in the class if they have not taken the test. Test taking is very important part of this program.
Is there a fee for these classes? No fees. But a small Guru Dakshina is collected and donation to our temples.
We do not . Student and parent must visit the site on a regular basis to get important messages. From time to time we do any important messages only to people who have subscribed to our site.
Contact info Shan Sankar