Climate Futures and Oregon’s Coastal Communities A Survey and Strategy to Address the Effects of Climate Change on the Oregon Coast
October 2007 Coastal Planners’ Network Meeting Survey: What do cities and counties need from state and federal agencies related to climate change? Data and information: Data and/or information to better understand or predict the likely effects of climate change on coastal communities. 2149% Outreach: Informational materials for the general public and elected officials about climate change and the need for action. 921% Guidance: Materials to assess or improve local governments’ ability to respond to the effects of climate change. 49% Funding: Funding to assess vulnerability, develop adaptation plans, or to implement adaptation measures. 49% Leadership: Political leadership to support local initiatives. 37% Infrastructure: Structural measures to mitigate the effects of climate change on coastal communities. 25% Question or concern: Survey response is a question or concern; no specific need was noted. (2)--
Purposes of the Report and Strategy Provide basic information about climate change and its effects on coastal resources and communities Make the case that the state needs to allocate resources to help coastal communities prepare for and adapt to climate change Provide a framework for state-local collaborative effort to prepare for and adapt to the effects of climate change on the coast
The Big Picture Oregon Coastal Climate Futures Consequences of Climate Change on Coastal Communities Adapting to Climate Variability and Change Climate Futures and Oregon’s Coastal Communities
I. The Big Picture: Variability, Trends, and Oregon’s Coastal Climate Climate and energy Climate and energy Climate variability and trends Climate variability and trends Oregon climate basics Oregon climate basics
Sidebars in Section I: The effect of changes in average conditions Regular cycles in the North Pacific Ocean affect Oregon’s climate Future climate scenarios and the IPCC’s ‘reasons for concern’
II. Oregon coastal climate futures Temperature Temperature Precipitation Precipitation Sea surface and ocean temperatures Sea surface and ocean temperatures Coastal storms Coastal storms Sea level rise Sea level rise
III. Likely consequences of climate change on coastal communities Community improvements at risk Community improvements at risk Natural systems Natural systems Coastal sectors Coastal sectors
IV. Adapting to Climate Variability and Change Oregon’s Framework for Addressing Rapid Climate Change Oregon’s Framework for Addressing Rapid Climate Change Coastal Climate Adaptation Strategy Coastal Climate Adaptation Strategy
Oregon’s Framework for Addressing Rapid Climate Change Immediately begin preparing for climate change Determine how climate change will affect Oregon’s diverse regions Assist Oregon institutions and individuals in responding to climate change Transform our planning processes to deal with climate change From the Key Recommendations:
… Key Recommendations and Actions… Recommendations Immediately begin preparing for climate change Determine how climate change will affect Oregon’s diverse regions Actions Require and encourage all government agencies to adopt and implement climate change preparation plans Develop localized climate change assessments that focus on impacts of a changing climate, adaptation and preparation needs, and mitigation opportunities
Recommendations Assist Oregon institutions and individuals in responding to climate change Transform our planning processes to deal with climate change Actions Support integrated local government planning for both greenhouse gas mitigation and climate change preparation and adaptation Incorporate climate change effects and impacts into new transportation initiatives Redesign planning tools to account for the future impacts of climate change Plan at larger scales to ensure that climate preparation in one sector or region does not affect preparation elsewhere … Key Recommendations and Actions…
IV. Adapting to Climate Variability and Change Oregon’s Framework for Addressing Rapid Climate Change Oregon’s Framework for Addressing Rapid Climate Change Coastal Climate Adaptation Strategy Coastal Climate Adaptation Strategy
Coastal Climate Adaptation Strategy Strategy Elements: Tools to increase community resiliency Data and information delivery Resources for local capacity Measuring progress
Coastal Adaptation Strategy … Strategy Element Tools to increase community resiliency Tasks Collaboration, coordination and clearinghouse function Land use planning tools Public outreach Legal issues Framework for retreat
Coastal Adaptation Strategy Strategy Element Data and information delivery Resources for local capacity Measuring progress Tasks Estimates of effects Decision support tools Grants for local planning Technical assistance (To be developed)
Information Sources International International United States United States Pacific Northwest/Oregon Pacific Northwest/Oregon Coast/sea level rise Coast/sea level rise Policy/planning Policy/planning
International Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Reports Synthesis Report and the Summary for PolicymakersSynthesis ReportSummary for Policymakers National US Climate Change Science ProgramUS Climate Change Science Program (Use the Site Map)Site Map Synthesis and Assessment Products Pacific Northwest University of Washington’s Climate Impacts Group This website is excellent and well-organized.Climate Impacts Group Preparing for Climate Change: A Guidebook for Local, Regional, and State Governments Oregon Oregon’s climate change portalclimate change portal Framework for Addressing Rapid Climate Change Information sources used for the report
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