Sharing of Experiences USAID's Efforts to Accelerate the Inclusion of People with Disabilities within Mainstream Development Programming
“…the needs of PWDs [people with disabilities] are the same as the needs of other constituencies with whom USAID works. Segregation of PWDs in USAID activities would tend to increase discrimination among our ranks and in the countries we serve. Consistent with our participation efforts…to be effective, programs must be constructed to include PWDs at all stages of implementation.”
“Mainstreaming disability into development cooperation is the process of assessing the implications for disabled people of any planned action, including legislation, policies and programmes, in all areas and at all levels. It is a strategy for making disabled people’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that disabled people benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated. The ultimate goal is to achieve disability equality. (adapted from ECOSOC, 1997)”
USAID Progress on Inclusion Agency Policy –USAID/General Notice Policy Paper 9/12/97 promote the participation and equalization of opportunities of individuals with disabilities in USAID policy, country and sector strategies, activity designs and implementation increase awareness of issues of people with disabilities both within USAID programs and in host countries engage other U.S. government agencies, host country counterparts, governments, implementing organizations and other donors in fostering a climate of nondiscrimination against people with disabilities support international advocacy for people with disabilities
USAID Progress on Inclusion Organizational Developments –Establishment of Agency Disability Coordinator –Formalizing Annual Reporting from the field –Internal Agency Disability Team –Establishment of a Federal Advisory Committee on People with Disabilities (State Dept/USAID joint chairs) –Greater coordination with other Federal agencies –Enhanced coordination with international organizations
USAID Progress on Inclusion Staff Training and Recruitment –E-Learning Course: Inclusive Development –Agency hiring practices –Field Staff Training HQ Technical Assistance Resource materials/tools
USAID Progress on Inclusion Capacity Strengthening of Partners For: –DPOs –NGOs and LNGOs –Local government offices/officials About: –Policy formation and enforcement –Networking –Advocacy –Organizational strengthening Through : –Technical assistance –Training programs –Tools and material development and dissemination
USAID Progress on Inclusion Policy Directives –Standards for Accessibility in USAID-Financed Construction Promotes principals of universal design Use host-country or regional standards…ADA/ABA guidelines Waiver process…with public notice –Supporting USAID’s Disability Policy in Contracts, Grants, and Cooperative Agreements “requires that contractor/recipient not discriminate against PWDs in the implementation of USAID programs and make every effort to comply with the objectives of USAID Disability Policy…actions must demonstrate a comprehensive and consistent approach for including men, women, and children with disabilities.
USAID Progress on Inclusion Special Funds and Initiatives –War Victims Fund –State/USAID grants program –M&E emphasis Application of policy directives in proposal and program solicitation and evaluation PWD involved in development and evaluation NCD, Access Board, DPOs
USAID Progress on Inclusion Country Approaches –Vietnam: disability leading the way Cross cutting approach Focus on one or two provinces Lead other donors and government –Uganda: inclusive development Identify the barriers to participation Work within existing USAID country strategy Involve DPOs and UWDs
Strategies Toward Greater Inclusion Set an example Be more proactive and aggressive Pare it down Continue to be a major participant Manage for results Be inclusive Be rewarding
Lessons Learned Nothing about us, without us Invest in people and organizations Policy must be coupled with practice Practice what you preach Recognize our own barriers Windows of opportunity Recognize and promote our successes