Chapter 7 Question 1 Group A: Alexis Tsirkas, Darryl Jackson, Ghandi More, Kevin Rasimowicz
Using Microsoft Excel we were able to create spreadsheets that compare actual sales of all three regions and compare them to the forecasted sales numbers. Using this information we are able to create more accurate sales data.
To calculate the discrepancies of all 3 regions we chose to show it monthly. We took the average of all 7 products in each month projected and actual and then divided by the 7 products. We then received the average of the forecasts and actual sales of each month. We chose to do a monthly method because it is a more accurate analysis as appose to a quarterly one. The monthly method showed all seven products of each month and would get a better more precise answer than to have a total quarterly average based on more numbers. The raw forecast and the adjusted forecast are shown in this spreadsheet. We took the 3 regions of 2007 first quarter sales and forecasts difference of the 7 products and adapted it to the 3 regions of 2008.