KEYBOARD – an input device used to type data. PARTS OF COMPUTER KEYBOARD – an input device used to type data.
MONITOR – an output device used to show the images, on the desktop. PARTS OF COMPUTER MONITOR – an output device used to show the images, on the desktop. CRT MONITOR LED MONITOR
BRIEF HISTORY OF COMPUTER ANCIENT COUNTING MACHINE (ABACUS) - consist of sliding beads on frame used for counters. - originally used in ancient Babylon, China and Europe. CHINESE MERCHANTS
BRIEF HISTORY OF COMPUTER THE PASCALINE - it could perform addition and subtraction of numbers. - developed by Blaise Pascal, a french philisopher and mathematician. BLAISE PASCAL
BRIEF HISTORY OF COMPUTER GOTTFRIED WILHELM LEIBNITZ STEPPED RECKONER - can also perform multiplication, division and extracttion of roots. - invented by GOTTFRIED WILHELM VON LEIBNITZ, a famous mathematician. GOTTFRIED WILHELM LEIBNITZ
BRIEF HISTORY OF COMPUTER THE PUNCHED CARD - consist of holes that can store information - invented by JOSEPH JACQUARD JOSEPHM MARIE JACQUARD
BRIEF HISTORY OF COMPUTER DIFFERENCE ENGINE - calculate huge numbers and produce table of numbers to help ship’s navigation. - designed by CHARLES BABBAGE, the “Father of Modern Computer” CHARLES BABBAGE
BRIEF HISTORY OF COMPUTER ANALYTICAL ENGINE - difference engine was not successful. - Charles Babbage developed this, a more advanced machine with the help of Ada Lovelace CHARLES BABBAGE
ELECTRONIC TABULATING MACHINE HOLLERITH MACHINE - used for calculation of census data. - invented by Herman Hollerith. - formed a company to sold his invention known as International Business Machine (IBM). HERMAN HOLLERITH
ELECTRONIC TABULATING MACHINE MARK I - used mechanical telephone relay switches to store information and processed data on punched cards. - developed by Howard Aiken with a team from IBM HOWARD AIKEN
ELECTRONIC TABULATING MACHINE ATANASOFF BERRY COMPUTER - uses vacuum tubes for storage, arithmetic , and logical functions. - invented by John Vincent Atanasoff JOHN VINCENT ATANASOFF
ELECTRONIC TABULATING MACHINE ELECTRONIC NUMERICAL INTEGRATOR AND CALCULATOR (ENIAC) - the first electronic computer which could perform high speed calculations and could make decisions. - invented byJohn Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert JOHN MAUCHLY & J. PRESPER ECKERT
THE STORED COMPUTER ELECTRONIC DISCRETE VARIABLE AUTOMATIC COMPUTER (EDVAC) - store computer instructions and data in a CPU. - it has the capacity to perform 1,000 calculations/second. JOHN VON NEUMANN
THE STORED COMPUTER ELECTRONICDELAY STORAGE AUTOMATIC COMPUTER (EDSAC) - store computer instructions and data in a CPU. - it has the capacity to perform 1,000 calculations/second. JOHN VON NEUMANN
THE VACUUM TUBE - produce a lot of heat as they have a filament like a light bulb - used in the first computers like the ENIAC, which demanded lots of maintenance because of the heat produced. - John Ambrose Fleming invented the first vacuum tube (1904) - Lee De Forest created the "audion"(1906) Atanasoff–Berry Computer ENIAC EDSAC Mark 1 EDVAC IBM 650 UNIVAC
THE TRANSISTOR (TRANSfer resISTOR) - invented at Bell Laboratories on December 16, 1947 by William Shockley. - the most important electronics event of the 20th century - device designed to act as both transmitter, which converts sound waves into electronic waves, and a resistor, which controls electronic current.
THE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS - developed in 1961 BY Jack Kilby - combined many transistors and other electrical components onto a small silicon chip.
THE MICROPROCESSORS - tiny integrated circuits that contain millions of transistors