Hybrid Training for Direct Care Workers Learning from the Oregon Training Initiative
Direct Care Workers: An emerging Crisis of Need
Oregon Online NA/HHA Training Initiative Funded by HRSA Community College lead applicant Partners helped develop concept
Oregon Online NA/HHA Training Initiative: Requirements Train as many people as possible
Oregon Online NA/HHA Training Initiative: Requirements Use tele- health or distance learning technology
Oregon Online NA/HHA Training Initiative: Requirements Bring in partners in local community
What we learned Entry level training isn’t sexy The Oregon Experience Pay is low Demand slow with higher unemployment level Only ½ of eligible community colleges opted to participate – even with lots of cash as incentive
What we learned Instructor Capacity is a significant barrier The Oregon Experience Nursing Instructors prefer classroom Clinical instruction often pays poorly Every college experienced instructor shortage or turnover
What we learned Traditional programs resist hybrid models The Oregon Experience Directors and college leadership needed education Programs viewed online as competing with classroom model Some students show a strong preference for online as an option; schools benefit from offering choice
What we learned Partners are importantThe Oregon Experience Clinical sites can be difficult to secure Training partners can speed time frame for course development Health Care Association partner easily secured clinical sites; provided peer mentor training Training Partner, IPCed, offered turnkey online didactic
What we learned Control is KEY The Oregon Experience Colleges must have ownership of students throughout the process Students in online program were initially viewed as “theirs” Once all students were “ours” outcomes improved significantly
What we learned Hybrid programs increase student access The Oregon Experience Students can learn at their own pace/place Slower pace works well for challenged learners Online aimed at entry learner was frustrating for nursing students Students love options
What we learned Community Colleges create community partnerships The Oregon Experience Taking the pulse of community need creates strong partnership program Local nursing facility in remote rural area had desperate need for CNAs Community college used hybrid program and sent nurse onsite for clinicals
Listen to students… “I could never have finished this program if I had to take time off my job to attend class. This online option made it possible for me to get my certification – something I’ve wanted for a very long time.” The program with the College was just incredible. I have worked for the State Hospital in two different roles, and utilized my C.N.A. in an overtime capacity working nights and weekends as a Mental Health Technician. Thank you again for an excellent program. It has helped me both professionally and personally.
Create Elastic Capacity Programs Less dependent on INSTRUCTORS so it can grow quickly Design the way students CHOSE to learn Leverage PARTNERSHIPS Ready to meet coming DEMANDS
What is YOUR solution? How are you planning for future workforce needs? How do you grow technology-based programs for this generation of students? How can education prepare for workforce needs we don’t yet know about?
Thank You! NCWE…the intersection of policy and practice IPCed…Your caregiver training and certification partner