Cody Snyder Pd. C-D 12/19/12
The Mississippi river is one of the longest rivers in the world. The Mississippi river is the longest in the united states. Third in the world. Photo from history now
They called it the "Mee-zee-see-bee“ Photo from 4Rivers
The Mississippi river is a very strong river. The Mississippi moves as much as 1.6 million gallons of water ever second.
The Mississippi river is a big economic resource for many states. This river is a cheap trade and transportation way that has been used as such from the 1600’s. It is also a big source of food and fishing for many towns as well.
The Mississippi river also makes river towns a highly attractive vacation option. The river gives people to opportunity to ride jet skies, swim in the nice cool water, and have a good fishing trip. It is many towns main source of income gives these towns another source of income.
The Mississippi river is a big cruise river. Its calm flow in many spots make it a nice ride for ferry tours and weekend trips. Its calm areas also make it a safe swimming spot for cruises to let its people off to swim.
The Mississippi river is also a big trade way. Loggers would use this river to trade logs for instance. Merchants also used the river to sell there items without paying for transportation in the 18 and 19 hundreds.
There is about 15 pure fishing towns on the Mississippi river in each state that has contact with the river. These towns solely rely on fishing as there main source of income, and the river is the only reason these towns where founded.
The town of Hannibal sits on the Mississippi river. This town probably wouldn’t of been founded if it wasn’t for the Mississippi river. Photo from
Transportation was a key reason why the Mississippi was so important to life then and now. Traveling by this river would cut a 3 month trip down to a couple of weeks in the 1800’s There was many types of transportation for them too in the 1800’s.
They used flat boats as the main way to move their material around in the 1800’s Photo from
In the middle 1800’s they used steam boats to move passengers up and down the river. This was the first way of travel people had up the united states that was quick. Photo from
Rafts were the cheapest way to travel in the 1800’s They could only travel down stream because they couldn’t fight the river’s down stream currants. Could hold anywhere from 1 to 10 people
Today ferrys are typically used to travel up and down the Mississippi river. Photo from
Barges are the most economical way to move resources in the modern day. They can carry enough wheat to bake 2 million loaves of bread. Every day hundreds of barges go up and down the Mississippi river.
This river is a home to many different types of animals in the US. It is home to bears, fish, birds, small animals, and also plant life in that area. The Mississippi river has the fifth largest vegetation diversity in the world.
The Mississippi river controls about 40% of the migratory fleet. It is home to about 20% of the nations duck population. Photo from
The Mississippi river is considered a fishing hot spot of the world. It holds 241 species of fish. In the book The adventures of huckleberry Finn. The main character Huckleberry uses the river as a main food source to survive on.
The upper Mississippi river area is home to many kinds of plant life. It is famous for the growth of tall grasses, prairies, and the hard woods that grow there. The plants that grow here help support all other life in this region.
Carolyn Jean Adams Switzer. Early migration trails. 12 Sep web. 18 December 2012 Americas first interstate. Department of Transportation. 08 may, 2012 web. 18 December, 2012 Mississippi river info. 4 rivers reality Inc. n.d web./photo. 18 December, 2012 Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Dover Publications, Inc Print.
River Facts and Fun. Mississippi river parkway commission web./photo. 18 December, Caleuche. River facts. Mississippi river resource page. N.d. web/photo. 18 December, 2012 Steamboats. Wikipedia. 18 December, photo. 18 December, Greg O’Brien. History now. Mississippi Historical Society. N.d photo. 18 December 2012.
Hannibal. G3bi 28 May, 2010 photo. 18 December, 2012