Definitions Collaboration – working together on team projects and sharing information, often through ad-hoc processes, to accomplish project goals. Document Management – structured way to manage and share documents through the use of versioning, metadata, profiles, workflows, search, and information management policies. Portal – a personalized user interface that brings together information from different line of business applications and other sources such as web sites or web services. Content Management – publishing and design processes for pages on portals or other web sites.
Functional Overview Navigation, Sites and Site Collection Lists, Columns. Views Versioning Notifications and List s Web Parts and Web Part Pages Personal Site and User Profiles Search
Definition: Site Site: »stores lists of documents, events, tasks, discussions, and many other types of information »contains pages and web parts that provide access to information that is either stored within a site or in external locations »controls access and defines permissions levels for users and groups within a site »Initial configuration of lists, pages, and web parts constitutes a site template
Site: Illustration Chemistry 101 Security TEACHERS: WebPart 1 Lucy Smith Dave Green Users Have full control Read all lists Read only their own assignments Contribute to class discussions WebPart 3WebPart 2 LIST SITE Course Materials (Document List Template) PAGE Student Enrollment Database STUDENTS: Bob Johnson Nancy Noble Calendar (Events List Template) Assignments (Tasks List Template) Class Discussion (Discussion List Template) Lab Inventory (Custom List Template)
Definition: Site Collection Team Site Template Site Collection is a set of sites connected together. One site is the root site and rest are sub-sites. ABC School CoursesStudent HistoryOfficial Docs Math 20 Lab 2Lab 1 Chemistry 101 Blank Template Records Repository Template WIKI Template Site Collection
Site Types Site creation page allows the user to select a site template which determines the site functionality and initial configuration of content on the site.
Definition: List List: »stores a collection of lists items »specifies a set of columns (fields) that each list item will have »has different ways to view list items by using sorting, filtering and grouping functions »controls access and defines which permission levels users and groups will have within a list
Views View provides a representation of information in the list based on: »Format: Standard – a list of list items Calendar – daily, weekly, or monthly calendar Datasheet – editable spreadsheet Gantt – relation of list items over time »Columns: which columns are shown »Query: Sort Filter conditions Group by conditions Item limit
Versions Every list in SharePoint supports versioning with any changes made to a list item resulting in a new version Library lists (document library, form library, etc) have enhanced version control that includes: »Draft/Publishing model with major and minor versions »Required check-out where the user can not edit the list item without checking it out first
Library Versions: Check in /Check Out In library lists, user with proper permissions can check out (lock) a document for editing and check in (unlock) that document once done editing. In non library lists, check out/check in is not available
Library Versions: Local vs. Server During check out, a user can place a document on the local computer using local drafts check box. Otherwise a document will stay on the server. Ability to edit a document offline and fast local saves instead of saves to the server (that can take a long time) are the advantages of using local drafts.
Library Versions: Required Check Out Required check out forces the user to check out a document before editing. If the required check out is on, document uploaded to a document library through a windows explorer view still have to be checked in.
Library Versions: Settings Users with proper permissions can turn various versioning settings in a list
Version History Page Users can see the property changes between versions Users with proper permissions can view, restore, delete and unpublish versions
Demo: Versioning in Document Libraries Demo: Versioning 1.Edit a document without versioning turned on 2.Check out, edit, and check in a document using local drafts and on server options 3.Examine “required check out “ option 4.Turn on versioning (major versions) for a document library 5.Edit the document with versions turned on 6.Examine version history page 7.Examine the differences in list item versioning
Versions: Publish and Draft Major (publish) and minor (draft) version model closely matches the edit process in real world, where a person works on the document many times making a series of changes and finally publishes a major version for the public viewing Draft versions are only available in library lists
Versions: Content Approval and Draft Item Security Content Approval specifies whether changes to items should remain in a draft state until they have been approved. Approval takes place after a user publishes a major version of the document. Major version remains unpublished until it’s approved. User with proper permissions can specify which other users can view draft versions (minor versions and unapproved major versions).
Notifications Two main notification methods in SharePoint: »Alerts »RSS feeds Alerts give users an ability to be notified of list item or list events either when they occur or at a later time. »Users with proper permissions can create alerts for other users. Each list has an RSS feed. User can subscribe to RSS feeds and track lists and list items on different sites using an RSS reader.
List s List can receive s and store the contents of the as well as attachments in the list User with proper permissions has to assign an address to the list in the list settings If administrators enable integration with active directory, users will be able to search for all -enabled SharePoint lists.
Web Part Pages and Web Parts Web Parts are ”web-based windows” that provide access to specific functionality Web Part Pages consist of web part zones in which web parts reside. There are several templates available for web part pages. Users with proper permissions can add, remove, move web parts on the web part page. PAGE WebPart 1 WebPart 3 WebPart 4 Web Part Web Part Zone WebPart 2
Web Part Properties Web parts have properties that store metadata about web parts. »Base properties control appearance and behavior (title, height, width) »Custom properties, such as birthday or mailbox name, help with implementation of desired functionality Properties can have shared or personal storage »Shared: changes affect all users »Personal: changes only affect logged in user
Standard Page vs. Publishing Page When editing Standard Web Part Page, the changes that the editor makes are visible to everyone else right away. When editing a Publishing Page, editors have a choice of keeping changes in the draft state which is not visible to others until editors publish the page. SharePoint stores Publishing pages in Pages system document library and uses versioning feature to control draft and publishing states.
Content Query Web Part Content Query Web Part enables content managers to aggregate content from different sources such as: »Several lists on the same site »Lists on different sites »Lists across the entire site collection Query can include content types, filters, sorting, and grouping.
Personal Site/User Profile Purpose Personal site – a site collection dedicated for lists and documents of a particular user User Profile shows other users »person’s expertise »contact, organizational, and social networking information One can find a user profile either by searching for it or by clicking on the link next to a document or an item that a person posted.
Search syntax in SharePoint is the same as on desktop search or Microsoft Live search Phrases should be surrounded with quotation marks + and - characters allow users to filter out search results example: “SharePoint security” – results only with this phrase –security – excludes the keyword +security – keyword must be included Search Syntax
Property names and other special characters can be used as well Search Syntax example: keyword site: – only returns results from chemistry101 site keyword -author:”Dave Green” – does not include results where Dave Green is the author