Living & Learning With Technology We are ALL learners. The use of technology and in particular computer technology, is a life style for the 21 st Century learners. By
IPADS IN THE CLASSROOM School leaders are stating that IPADS are not just a cool toy, but rather a powerful tool that is changing the face of education. With more than 15,000 educational “apps” available through Apple App Store, teachers and students alike are having no trouble finding content and material for all learners. Kindergarten through College, IPADS offer educators more diverse methods for delivering instruction and engaging students for learning in the 21 st Century.
Technology use in education comes in several forms. Think of using technology in a 3 part harmony. 1- Stationary Technology- desktops, smartboards and projectors. 2-Web-Based Technology-apps and activities on the web. 3- Mobile Technology- cell phones, iPADS, Ipods etc.
Educational theories abound. From Bloom’s taxonomy to 21 st Century learning, technology has a critical place in the educational framework. Educational Scaffolding 21 st Century Learning
Technology!!!!!!! Technology is an ever changing entity. Teachers and learners grow in understanding and skills when they are using and integrating technology into everyday experiences.
10 BIG BENEFITS OF IPADS!! * tablets fit students’ lifestyles. *classrooms are ready for IPADS. *students can run the help desk. *collaborative content creation. *Mobile data collector *Tablets intergrade with IT trends.
Benefits Continued Ipads make mobile computing labs easier. *paperless *Serve as a tour guide/gps *No more missing the bus/student tractor
WEBSITE FOR FREE EDUCATIONAL APPS education-apps-for-ipad/ education-apps-for-ipad/ TEACHER MUST HAVES-check out Ipad-Apps-For-Teachers.htm
Technology Infographic
Examples of Using the Ipad In The Classroom!!!! Make music, make films with Imovies, Read out loud and share Practice letter formations, paint and draw, presentations, practice math skills using super 7 HD, take notes, save and edit images, make comics, navigate your world, etc. (103 ways to use an ipad in the classroom)
Short Activity Think, Pair, Share, Square! Think how YOU would use ipads in your classroom. After turn to your neighbor and share your ideas. After, turn to the two students behind you and share ideas in a square. Feel free to use any technology to research ideas. If you have any “cool” apps to share please do!!!!
Have fun with technology Library