Phrasal Verbs Last unit of the year!
What are they? Two word verbs Made with a regular verb + a particle Examples (write down 3): get uphand over turn downback off fill inpay back take outkeep away
On a sheet of notebook paper: List as many phrasal verbs as you can in 2 minutes.
Now—pick a partner Compare your lists Cross out any phrasal verbs you both wrote down Circle any you have that your partner does not have You get 1 point for each verb circled, whoever has the most points wins a hawk!
When is it a phrasal verb? When the second word is part of the whole verb meaning. Usually the phrasal verb has a different meaning than the words by themselves Example: She’s looking up at the sky. She’s looking up a new word in the dictionary. Which of these sentences has a phrasal verb?
When to use them: Phrasal verbs are less formal than regular verbs Often times we use phrasal verbs in slang speaking Shut up! Get out!
Two kinds of phrasal verbs: Transitive: - use an object in the sentence - can separate the two words with the object - can be written together or separate Examples: Turn off the faucet. Turn the faucet off. Turn it off
Two kinds of phrasal verbs: Intransitive: - don’t use an object - cannot be separated - can only be written together Examples: He grew up in Mexico. She got back late last night. We eat out all the time.