kunst saksamaal kahe maailmasõja vahel


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Presentation transcript:

kunst saksamaal kahe maailmasõja vahel

The New Objectivity - Neue Sachlichkeit – uusasjalikkus (uusobjektivism, postekspressionism)

georg groz 1893-1959

georg grosz Suicide 1916 Oil on canvas 100 x 77.6 cm Tate Gallery, London

georg grosz Explosion 1917 Oil on hardbord 47.8 x 68.2 cm The Museum of Modern Arts, New York georg grosz

Germany: a Winter's Tale 1917/19 Oil on canvas Whereabouts unknown

John the Sex Murderer 1918 Oil on canvas 86.5 x 81 cm Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg

Beauty, Thee Will I Praise 1919 Watercolor, pen and Indian ink 42 x 30.3 cm Galerie Nierendorf, Berlin

georg grosz daam abiellub oma pedantse automaadi Georgiga mais 1920, John Heartfield on väga õnnelik selle üle 1920 42 x 30.2 avarell, kollaaž Galerie Nierendorf, Berlin

Republica Automatons 1920 Watercolor on paper 60 x 47.3 cm The Museum of Modern Arts, New York

georg grosz hall päev 1921 115/80 õli lõuendil Staatsliche Museen zu Berlin, Nationalgalerie, Berlin

The Best Years of Their Lives c. 1923 Watercolor 62.6 x 49.5 cm Kunstmuseum Hannover, Hannover

georg grosz päikesevarjutus 1926 207.3 x 182.6 cm õli lõuendil The Heckscher Museum of Art, Huntingdon, New York

georg grosz ühiskonna alustalad 1926 200/108 õli lõuendil Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Nationalgalerie, Berlin

The poet Max Herrmann-Neisse 1927 Museum of Modern Art, NY

The Agitator 1928 Oil on canvas 108 x 81 cm Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam

georg grosz kunstnik ja modell 1928 115.6 x 75.6 õli lõuendil The Museum of Modern Arts, New York

Cain, or, Hitler in Hell 1944 Oil on canvas 99 x 124.5 cm Private collection

otto dix skatimängijad 1920 110 x 87 õli, kollaaž lõuendil

otto dix kunstniku vanemate portree II 1924 118/130.5 õli lõuendil

otto dix rühm läheb vastu gaasi-rünnakule 1924 19.3/28.8 akvatinta

otto dix ajakirjanik sylvia von hardeni portree 1926 121/89 õli, tempera puul

metropol (triptüühhon) 1927/28 181/200 segatehnika puul otto dix

sõda (triptüühhon) 1929-1932 otto dix

otto dix flandria 1934 õli lõuendil

max beckmann tee koju 1919 87/61 litograafia

perepilt 1920 65/100 õli lõuendil max beckmann

max beckmann autoportree sigaretiga 1924 60.2/40.3 õli lõuendil

Pariisi seltskond 1932 õli lõuendil max beckmann

max beckmann uisutajad 1932 128.27 x 97.79 õli lõuendil

ärasõit (driptüühhon) 1932 õli lõuendil max beckmann

saksa natsionaal-sotsialistlik kunst

saksa natsionaal-sotsialistlik kunst

arthur kampf valtsimistehas

arthur kampf

müncheni kohalik grupp villa kogumas adolf reich

zeppelinfield 1936 albert speer

albert speer

albert speer

ameerika sotsiaalne realism ja mehhiko monumentaalmaal (muralism)

thomas hart benton rõõmsad inimesed 1920 166.5/197.3 õli lõuendil

thomas hart benton teras (osa pannost “tänapäeva ameerika) 1930

lääne kunst 1932 thomas hart benton

grant wood ameerika gootika 1930 75.9/63.2 õli lõuendil

herbert hooveri sünnikoht... 1931 grant wood

grant wood uus maantee 1939 33/37.9 õli lõuendil

gaas 1940 66.7/102.2 õli lõuendil edward hopper

diego rivera Fiesta Tehuana 1928 õli lõuendil

diego rivera lenini portree 1924? 1928?

diego rivera arsenal – frida kahlo relvi jaotamas 1928 203/398 fresko

diego rivera külmutatud vara 1931 239/188 fresko

diego rivera kalifornia allegooria 1931

diego rivera modernne tööstus 1933 1.83/1.8 m fresko

diego rivera inimene – universumi valitseja 1934

diego rivera lille-kandja 1935 õli, tempera

Prometheus 1930 fresko José Clemente Orozco

José Clemente Orozco zapatistid 1931 114.3/ 139.7 õli lõuendil

eepos ameerika tsivilisatsioonile: hispaania-ameerika 1932-34 José Clemente Orozco

Frida Kahlo Self-Portrait 1926 Oil on canvas 31 x 23 in Private collection, Mexico City

Frida Kahlo Portrait of Miguel N. Lira 1927 Oil on canvas Instituto Tlaxcalteca de Cultura, Tlaxcala

Frida Kahlo Portrait of My Sister Cristina 1928 Oil on Wood Collection Otto Atencio Troconis, Caracas

Frida Kahlo Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera 1931 Oil on canvas 99 x 78.7 cm San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco

My Birth 1932 Oil on metal 31 x 35 cm Private collection Frida Kahlo

Self-Portrait on the Borderline between Mexico and the United States 1932 Oil on Metal Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo Henry Ford Hospital 1932 Oil on metal 12 1/4 x 15 1/2 in Collection Dolores Olmedo Foundation, Mexico City Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo My Dress Hangs There or New York 1933 Oil and collage on Masonite Hoover Gallery, San Francisco Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo Self-Portrait with Necklace 1933 Oil on Metal

Frida Kahlo A Few Small Nips 1935 Oil on metal 15 x 19 in Collection of Dolores Olmedo Foundation, Mexico City Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo My Parents, My Grandparents and I 1936 Oil on Canvas Museum of Modern Art, New York Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo Portrait of Diego Rivera 1937 Oil on wood 18 x 12 1/2 in Gelman Collection, Mexico City

Frida Kahlo Memory 1937 Oil on metal 38 x 48.2 cm Dolores Olmedo Foundation, Mexico City, Mexico

Frida Kahlo The Frame c. 1937 Oil on metal with glass 29 x 21.5 cm Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

Frida Kahlo Self-Portrait (Dedicated to Leon Trotsky) 1937 Oil on Masonite 30 x 24 in National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington

Frida Kahlo Fruits of the Earth 1938 Oil on masonite 40.6 x 60 cm Collection Banco Nacional de Mexico, Mexico City Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo Self-Portrait with Monkey 1938 Oil on Masonite 16 x 12 in Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo

Frida Kahlo What the Water Gave Me 1938 Oil on canvas 38 x 30 in Isadore Ducasse Fine Arts, New York

Frida Kahlo The Suicide of Dorothy Hale 1938-39 Oil on Masonite Phoenix Art Museum

Frida Kahlo The Two Fridas 1939 Oil on canvas 173 x 173 cm Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City

Frida Kahlo The Earth Itself (My Nurse and I) 1939 Oil on Metal Private Collection Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo Self-portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird 1940 Oil on canvas 24 1/2 x 18 3/4 in Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, Austin

Frida Kahlo Self-Portrait 1940 Oil on Masonite 23 1/2 x 15 3/4 in Private collection, United States

The Dream 1940 Oil on Canvas Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair 1940 Oil on canvas 40 x 28 cm The Museum of Modern Arts, New York

Roots (Raices) 1943 Oil on sheet metal 11 7/8 x 19 3/8 in Roots (Raices) 1943 Oil on sheet metal 11 7/8 x 19 3/8 in. Collection of Marilyn O. Lubetkin Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo Self-Portrait as a Tehuana (Diego on My Mind) 1943 Oil on Masonite 29 7/8 x 24 in Gelman Collection, Mexico City

Frida Kahlo Thinking about Death 1943 Oil on canvas, mounted on masonite Private collection

Frida Kahlo Portrait of Dona Rosita Morillo 1944 Oil on canvas, mounted on masonite 76 x 60.5 cm Museo Dolores Olmedo Patina, Mexico City

Frida Kahlo The Broken Column 1944 Oil on Masonite 38.6 x 31 cm Dolores Olmedo Foundation, Mexico City

Frida Kahlo The Little Deer 1946 Oil on Masonite 8 7/8 x 11 7/8 in Collection of Mrs. Carolyn Farb, Houston Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo Moses (Nucleus of Creation) 1945 Oil on Masonite Private Collec-tion Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo Without Hope 1945 Oil on canvas mounted on Masonite 28 x 36 cm Dolores Olmedo Foundation, Mexico City Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo Tree of Hope 1946 Oil on Masonite 22 x 16 in Isadore Ducasse Fine Arts, New York

Frida Kahlo Self-Portrait with Loose Hair 1947 Oil on masonite 61 x 45 cm Private collection

Frida Kahlo Sun and Life 1947 Oil on Masonite Galería Arvil, Mexico City Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo The Love Embrace of the Universe, the Earth (Mexico), Me, and Senor Xolotl 1949 Oil on canvas 27 1/2 x 23 7/8 in Collection of Jorge Contreras Chacel, Mexico City

Frida Kahlo Self-Portrait with the Portrait of Doctor Farill 1951 Oil on Masonite 16 1/2 x 19 3/4 in Private collection, Mexico City Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo Portrait of my Father 1951 Oil on Canvas Museo Frida Kahlo, Mexico City

Frida Kahlo Diary pages: "El horrendo 'ojosauro.'"Diary pages: "Portrait of Neferunico, Founder of Madness.“ Frida Kahlo Museum, Mexico City

Frida Kahlo Diary Pages: "Bird" Diary pages: "Masked Dancers.“ Frida Kahlo Museum, Mexico City

kunst venemaal kahe maailmasõja vahel

vladimir tatlin III internatsionaali monumendi makett 1919-1920 puit, teras, klaas

valgete löömine punase kiiluga 1919 plakat el lissitzky

el lissitzky proun 1922-23 segatehnika

el lissitzky “epopeia” kaanekujundus 1922-23

varvara stepanova figuur 1921 141,6/88,2 õli lõuendil

varvara stepanova spordiriiete kavandid 1923

varvara stepanova punaarmee 1938 fototöötlus

aleksander gerassimov lenin tribüünil 1928-29 õli lõuendil

vera muhhina tööline ja kolhoositar 1937

roosid stalinile 1949 boris vladimirski

kunst prantsusmaal kahe maailmasõja vahel

Vaikelu 1925 98/131 õli lõuendil pablo picasso

pablo picasso kollaste juustega naine 1931

pablo picasso Tête de cheval (I) 1935 65/92

pablo picasso Dora Maar 1937 õli lõuendil

Guernica 1937 325/782 õli lõuendil pablo picasso

pablo picasso Nuttev naine 1937 23,5/19,5 Õli, lõuend

pablo picaso autoportree 1938

Punaste pükstega odalisk 1922 Õli lõuendil HENRI MATISSE

odalisk magnooliatega 1924 henri matisse

tants 1931 27.9/76.2 guašš henri matisse

rosa akt 1935 õli lõuendil henri matisse

henri matisse nimeta 1938 linool-lõige

henri matisse uni 1940 õli lõuendil

pierre bonnard seisev akt 1922-30 õli lõuendil

pierre bonnard lilled punasel laudlinal 1928 57/61 õli lõuendil

pierre bonnard söögituba 1930-31 õli lõuendil

pierre bonnard aiapoolne söögituba 1934-35 õli lõuendil

akt vannis 1935 õli lõuendil pierre bonnard

pierre bonnard korv ja puuvilja-taldrik punaseruudulisel laudlinal 1939 58.4/58.4 õli lõuendil

pierre bonnard autoportree 1939-42 õli lõuendil