IRELAND: 1870 – 1914. GOVERNMENT: 1870 Ireland was ruled directly from London. Irish members of parliament (MPs) sat in parliament in Westminster. The.


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Presentation transcript:

IRELAND: 1870 – 1914

GOVERNMENT: 1870 Ireland was ruled directly from London. Irish members of parliament (MPs) sat in parliament in Westminster. The Lord Lieutenant represented the king of England in Ireland. There were two main political groups: – NATIONALISTS wanted some form of self- government with a parliament in Dublin. – UNIONISTS wanted to maintain the Union with Britain.

HOME RULE Home Rule was the idea of self-government for Ireland. Supporters wanted a parliament in Dublin to deal with internal Irish affairs, such as education, roads and the police. The parliament in Westminster would be responsible for external affairs, such as peace and war, customs and trade. The British monarch would be king/queen of Ireland. They believed that this could be achieved peacefully through an act of parliament. They founded the Home Rule Party (Irish Parliamentary Party) to represent their views in Westminster. The party was led by Isacc Butt.

ISACC BUTT 1.What groups supported Home Rule? 2.Why did Home Rule spread? 3.How did the Home Rule party fail to have an impact on Westminster? 4.What was obstructionism? 5.‘Butt was a poor leader’. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain.

THE IRB The IRB was a secret revolutionary organisation. Members were known as Fenians and followed the tradition of Wolfe Tone. They wanted complete independence from Britain and a republic without a monarch. They thought that physical force was necessary to achieve this. They did not think that Home Rule was good enough and wanted independence. ‘The IRB shall await the decision of the Irish nation – and shall lend its support to every movement calculated to advance the cause of Irish independence.’

OBSTRUCTIONISM Issac Butt was a passive politician and this frustrated some members of the Home Rule Party. Some MPs introduced more aggressive tactics, such as obstructionism. This meant delaying the passage of new laws by making long speeches. This disrupted the business of government. The most significant obstructionist MPs were Joseph Biggar and Charles Stewart Parnell.

1.What message is the cartoonist trying to convey in this illustration? 2.How is W.E. Gladstone depicted? 3.According to the cartoonist, what effect are the obstructionists having on ‘public business’?

CHARLES STEWART PARNELL 1875 – 79: Parnell was a radical member of the HR Party 1879 – 82: Parnell worked on land reform (Land Question) 1882 – 85: Parnell rebuilt HR and was unchallenged leader – 91: Troubled final years

PARNELL’S EARLY LIFE Charles Stewart Parnell was born in 1845 in Co. Wicklow. His family were wealthy Protestant Anglo-Irish and Parnell was educated in England. He was interested in Irish nationalism, influenced by his American born mother. His political life was full of contradictions: – Not politically active until he was 27 but a quick rise to power. – Although he was Protestant Anglo-Irish, his views were similar to Catholics. – He was a landowner but campaigned for tenant rights. – Although he believed in political methods, he worked with the IRB.

PARNELL & OBSTRUCTIONISM Parnell became involved in the radical obstructionist group. This made him unpopular with the moderate members of the party. Parnell in a letter to Butt, I cannot consent to take part in the sham of Irish representation which exists, for it has been, and is, a sham.

PARNELL AND THE IRB Parnell continued to attract controversy and gained support from the IRB. Parnell made statements that seemed to accept political violence. – He defended Manchester Martyrs. – He claimed that tenant rights were advanced through an explosion at Clerkenwell. The Home Rule Party was against violence, so why did the ambitious Parnell risk controversy by dealing with the IRB? – In 1870s the IRB were not actively involved in violent political acts. – IRB members were politically active and could build a political movement. – IRB had strong links with America. – If the IRB were involved in legal political activities, they would be less likely to re-start a campaign of violence.

THE NEW DEPARTURE, 1878 In the 1870s Ireland was undergoing an agriculture crisis. Michael Davitt (a member of the IRB) and John Devoy (leader of Clan na Gael) wanted to unite all sections of nationalism for the common goal of land reform. They set up the New Departure, which was widely supported by tenant farmers.

QUESTIONS 1.What does ‘Home Rule’ refer to? 2.What groups supported Home Rule? 3.What groups opposed Home Rule? 4.What were the strengths of Butt? 5.What were the weaknesses of Butt? 6.How was Parnell controversial? 7.What was the aim of the New Departure? 8.Why did Parnell join the New Departure?

PARNELL & LAND Parnell became involved in the Land Question by supporting the New Departure in their campaign for the rights of tenant farmers. He believed that Irish people wouldn’t be interested in Home Rule until their land concerns were resolved. It would also be beneficial to his profile. The Irish National Land League was founded in October 1879 and spread all over Ireland within six months. Their aim was to put an end to evictions and landlord oppression of tenants. They also wanted tenants to become land owners. The League was non-violent. Parnell travelled to America to raise money from Irish-Americans and to move the issue of Home Rule to the international stage. The British objected to the protests of the Land League. The Coercion Bill was passed and gave the Lord Lieutenant the authority to intern people suspected of treason or agrarian offences without trial. In April 1881, Gladstone introduced a land act, hoping that the reform would divide the Land League. The bill granted: – The 3 Fs – free sale, fixity of tenure and fair rent and formalised the Ulster Custom. – Compensated tenants for any improvements. – Land courts could fix fair rents for 15 years.

PARNELL & LAND The bill split the Land League – moderates supported it and radicals felt that it didn’t go far enough and that it didn’t apply to tenants in arrears. Parnell tried to appeal to both sides by not opposing the Bill in parliament and then publically criticising it. Parnell’s criticisms were viewed to be encouraging violence. He was arrested in October 1881 and placed in Kilmainham Gaol. Parnell’s arrest marked the most violent phase of the Land War. He agreed to a No Rent Manifesto, which called on tenants to withhold their rent. The Land League was banned. Parnell’s sisters established the Ladies’ Land League to carry on its work. Captain William O’Shea negotiated between Parnell and Gladstone. Parnell and the other League leaders were released in May 1882 and Parnell agreed to use his influence to end the violence. This was known as the Kilmainham Treaty.

PARNELL & LAND Five days after Parnell’s release, the Chief Secretary and Under- secretary were killed in the Phoenix Park by a splinter group of the IRB called the Invincibles. Their aim was to kill leading members of the British government in a protest against land policy. The murders caused widespread shock in Britain and Ireland. Parnell feared that the murders could destroy the gains made by the Kilmainham Treaty. This put an end to the radical style of politics. After the Kilmainham Treaty Parnell wanted to focus on the issue of Home rule rather than land reform. He dissolved the Ladies’ Land League. In October 1882, Parnell formed the Irish National League with the main aims of: – Home Rule – Land reform – Local self-government – Irish industrial development

Write a paragraph on Parnell and the Land League.

PARNELL & HOME RULE After the Kilmainham Treaty, Parnell wanted to focus on the issue of Home rule rather than land reform. In October 1882, Parnell formed the Irish National League, which focused on Home Rule. It was successful in its organisation, finance and Irish- American support. The League was controlled by a central council. Parnell introduced a party pledge so that all Home Rule MPs had to vote together or resign their seat. Parnell gained support from the Catholic Church by allowing clergy to attend meetings of the National League. It seemed likely that Parnell and his party could hold the balance of power after the next general election in 1885.

PARNELL & HOME RULE THE 1885 GENERAL ELECTION. Parnell wanted to force the Conservatives or the Liberals to grant Home Rule in Ireland. This depended on the result of the 1885 general election. WHY DID PARNELL SUPPORT THE CONSERVATIVES IN THE GENERAL ELECTION? – He wanted to make sure the Liberal Party majority was small. – Then he would force either party to agree to Home Rule, because they would need his support to get into government (the balance of power). IRISH UNIONISTS: As Home Rule became more likely, Irish Unionists became more and more disturbed. They were opposed to Home Rule for economic, religious and political reasons.

PARNELL & HOME RULE In the ELECTION IN BRITAIN, the Liberals won 335 seats and the Conservatives 249 seats (historians said 25 of these came from Irish support in Britain). The HOME RULE PARTY won 86 seats – 85 in Ireland and 1 in Liverpool. The overall result of the election meant that Parnell could put only the Liberals into power. THE HAWARDEN KITE: Gladstone’s son said his father intended to bring in Home Rule. – Parnell now supported Gladstone (January 1886), who became prime minister. TERMS OF THE FIRST HOME RULE BILL, 1886: – There would be a parliament in Dublin to deal with internal Irish affairs. – Parliament in Westminster would deal with external affairs, e.g. defence, war and peace, trade. – No Irish MPs were to sit in Westminster. – Ireland would pay 1/15 of the Imperial budget. – A separate Land Purchase Bill was introduced.

PARNELL & HOME RULE DEFEAT OF THE FIRST HOME RULE BILL: – Both sides debated Home Rule for Ireland: Those in favour said the majority of Irish people voted for Home Rule; an Irish parliament was needed to run Irish affairs; relations between Britain and Ireland would improve. Those against Home Rule (in favour of the Union) said the majority of British people voted for Union; a Home Rule parliament would be Catholic-controlled; Home Rule would lead to the break-up of the British Empire; Irish people were not able to govern themselves. – The Conservatives and the Liberal Unionists combined to defeat the First Home Rule Bill. Gladstone had to resign as prime minister. THE 1886 GENERAL ELECTION: The Conservatives won the 1886 general election; this showed the majority in Britain were in favour of maintaining the Union with Ireland. In Ireland, the results were similar to the previous election.

PARNELL & HOME RULE OVERALL RESULTS: – The Conservative Party was in government for most of the next 20 years. This lessened the possibility of Home Rule. – Parnell was now tied to the Liberal Alliance; this was the only way to get Home Rule. – The Irish Unionists were better organised; they founded the Irish Unionist Party. – The election results showed clear divisions between a Unionist-dominated area in the north and the rest of the country, which favoured Home Rule.


PARNELL’S LAST YEARS Following the 1886 election, Parnell kept the Home Rule party alliance to the Liberal party. Parnell kept a low profile, which allowed other politicians to gain popularity. The Conservatives adopted policies to ease the Irish land issues. This was known as Killing Home Rule with Kindness. Land became an issue again. William O’Brien proposed the Plan of Campaign, encouraging tenants to set what they considered a fair rent. Parnell disagreed with this and tried to limit its influence.

PARNELL’S LAST YEARS Parnellism & Crime A series of articles appeared in the London Times called ‘Parnellism and Crime’. It claimed that Parnell and other Home Rule leaders supported violence. In particular, it claimed that Parnell supported the Phoenix Park murders. These were later found to be forgeries by Richard Pigott, a Dublin journalist. Proof of his innocence strengthened Parnell’s popularity with Home Rulers and Liberals.

PARNELL’S LAST YEARS Parnell had an unusual private life for the time in which he lived. He had long-term relationship with Katherine (Kitty) O’Shea, who was separated from her husband, Captain William O’Shea. O’Shea sued for divorce in 1889, for financial and political reasons. Parnell was casual about the case following the success of the Pigott forgeries. O’Shea was successful and Parnell presented as immoral. Michael Davitt was the first leading Irish figure to recommend that Parnell resign. Gladstone made it clear that unless Parnell resigned, Home Rule would be damaged. The Catholic Church turned against Parnell. The Home Rule party split between the Parnellites and anti- Parnellites. By-elections saw Parnell defeated.

PARNELL’S LAST YEARS Parnell made his last public appearance in Ireland on 27 th September He was badly soaked and developed a fever. He returned Brighton, where he lived with Kitty and died on 6 th October 1891, aged 45. Despite controversy in later life, 200,000 people attended his funeral before he was buried in Glasnevin Cemetery.