Scholastic Reading Inventory-Interactive Training Module
What is the SRI Interactive? Interactive reading comprehension test An assessment of student reading levels Scores are reported in Lexiles
Who should take the SRI? The SRI is designed for students who can read. It is recommended that teachers take an SRI BEFORE students.
If students are unable to read, should the SRI be read to them? The SRI is for students who are readers.
Why is it important for you as a teacher to take this test? REFLECT Why is it important for you as a teacher to take this test? What environmental conditions should exist for students during this test?
How does the SRI-Interactive work?
1. Student logs onto computer. 2. Student answers questions about his/her reading interests to prepare a customized reading list.
Student selects favorite types of books.
Book Interest Screens Grades K-2 Grades 6+ Grades 3-5
Student takes a short Practice Test. 4. The test begins.
Students take the practice test.
Directions can be read aloud by Practice Test Optional Practice Test To make sure student understands directions. student knows how to use computer. Approximately three to five questions in length. Directions can be read aloud by the computer.
Student takes the SRI-Interactive test.
Compute-Adaptive Technology
Assess Reading Levels through Graduate School
The test ends when a student has answered enough questions to accurately calculate a Lexile measure. Student receives a Recommended Reading List.
Why does SRI work? Authentic text passages Fiction, non-fiction, high interest low readability passages Require students to use inference, draw conclusions, demonstrate knowledge of content vocabulary, and higher order thinking skills
Why does SRI work? Computer Adaptive Technology Test adapts to student responses. Test automatically steps up or down according to performance. Adaptive technology only requires student to do as many questions as needed to calculate accurate Lexile. Test bank of 3000 questions ensures that no two tests are identical.
Why does SRI work? Flexible Test can be administered at any computer station or on a number of computers. Appropriate for all students who are reading. Settings are easily adjusted to accommodate specific student needs.
What is a Lexile? A Lexile is a unit for measuring text difficulty. The word Lexile is a blend of the root word “Lex”, which refers to words, and echoes the word “percentile”, a comparative unit of measure.
Test takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes To complete.
How do you use a Lexile Measure? On Grade Level Lexile Range Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 600-900L 700-1000L 800-1050L 850-1100L Student Tested Lexile: 729L Independent/Fluent Reading Range is 250L below Lexile Score. 80% to 90% Comprehension Independent/Instructional Reading Range is 100L Below to 50L Above Lexile. 70% to 80% Comprehension Instructional/Challenging Reading Range is 250L Above Lexile Score. Less than 70% Comprehension
Recommended Reading List Selected Interest areas based on initial selection Measured Reading Level reported in Lexiles Grade Level – Developmentally appropriate
REFLECT How often should the SRI be given? What possible exceptions might exist?