Persuasive Speech Guidelines, Formatting, and Speaking tips
Basic Overview of Researched Speech TWO Final speech must cite at least two sources. You should include both a point and a counter-point. FOUR Final speech must be between 3-4 minutes in length. This includes introduction, body, and conclusion. A strong speech will include a counterpoint paragraph. SIX Working bibliography must include at least six reliable sources. Avoid sources that hurt your credibility (including Wikipedia). EIGHT Final speech must include eight PowerPoint slides. These slides are untimed and you can advance them with a clicker.
Day One Goals Pick a topic Read the overview and linked articles on New York Times website. Search the web to find useful articles. You will be arguing for one side, but reading about the other’s side’s argument helps you develop a counterpoint. Save links for at least six articles. Avoid articles that are going to hurt your credibility. This includes Wikipedia and agenda-based political organizations.
Creating Working Bibliography Notes Citing Websites in MLA
Jacobson, Michael. “Liquid Candy: How Soft Drinks are Harming Americans’ Health.” UCLA Health Policy. 2 Oct Web. 13 Mar “In 2004 American spent $66 billion on carbonated drink…That works out to about $850 per household—enough to buy a computer and a year’s worth of internet access” (Jacobson) Carbonated soft drinks account for about 7% of all calories consumed by Americans making them the number one most consumed food in America (Jacobson). Males age are the biggest consumers of soda and they average about once sodas a day. One out of every 20 people in this category drink more than five cans a day. Females in the same age category drink about two cans a day (Jacobson ). One reason for the large qualities of pop consumed on a daily basis is the increased container size. In the 1950’s soda most commonly was served in 6.5 oz bottles. By the 1960’s the 12 oz. can became the most popular container. This was replaced by the 20 oz bottle in the 1990’s and again by the 24 oz. bottle in this century (Jacobson ). Notice the “hanging indent” and double-spaced heading.
Tips for Taking Quality Research Notes Make sure your MLA heading is formatted correctly. Don’t trust Noodle Tools or Citation machine to not make mistakes. Most of your notes should be paraphrases or summaries. Use quotes when the author words something especially well. Be absolutely sure to use quotation marks on quotes when taking these notes. This avoids plagiarism. Notes should be 2-5 sentences in length. Notes should NEVER be short, vague bullet points. Every one of your notes should end with an internal citation. Web Example: (Jones) or (eHow).