Haute Software: Juggling Open Source and Vendor Software Jeshua Pacifici, Manager, Learning Systems Kim Gausepohl, Assistant Manager, Online Course Systems Virginia Tech
Copyright Statement "Copyright Kim Gausepohl and Jeshua Pacifici This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author."
Virginia Tech; Blacksburg, VA Public research institution 8 colleges & a graduate school 25,000+ full-time students faculty
IT Infrastructure
Learning Systems at VT
Blackboard at VT
Vendor System Aspects of vendor learning system support Stability and reliability of online learning environment Training Help desk, help pages, documentation Relationship with vendor support manager Ability to leverage your university’s technical teams
Interest in Open Source Software Why are we interested in open source? Elimination of vendor annual license and hosting fees Avoid problems with vendor support and migration Leverage University’s academic and IT resources Institutional Goals Ability to modify and customize functionality and interface
Scholar Screenshot
Interest in Open Source Software Choosing a vendor or pursuing open source: when to hold and when to let go…… Know your institution’s strengths and resources Identify your faculty needs and preferences Line up upper level support Remember…without the vendor the buck stops at your desk
Interest in Open Source Software Choosing a vendor or pursuing open source software (continued) Open source is not free Observers have little influence on the product QA is essential
Concerns with Open Source Software Migrating course data from legacy or existing LMS’s to open source LMS Transition - moving users away from existing system User concerns Ease of use Stability and Reliability Support concerns Lack of Admin tools
Concerns with Open Source Software Participating in the design process (herding cats) Coordinating developers: conflicting skills, schedules and objectives “I’m just volunteering” mentality
Support Group Problems: Too Much to Do No new staff Support of more people, products, problems New responsibilities
New Responsibilities: Part of Systems Engineering Process Concept Phase. OCS’ new role: Developing user-system interface requirement. Design Phase. OCS’ new role: Concept demonstration and validation by demonstrating proposed system interface to university community and making necessary changes based on received feedback. Development Phase. OCS’ new role: Full-scale engineering development. Iterative process of evaluation and programming Disposal Phase. OCS’ continued role. System retirement. Operation Phase. OCS’ continued role. Production & Deployment. Operation & Maintenance Figure 1: OCS’ roles in the Systems Engineering Process. Chart adapted from Chapanis (1996)
Support Group Problems: Not Sure How to Do It Conflicting priorities Disconnect between staff and upper management Decrease in morale
Support Group Changes Transition to “area experts” Emphasis on QA Expansion in training offerings Closer relationship with faculty Task Tracking (JIRA)
Area Experts Division of responsibilities Kim (QA lead) Dawn (Scholar expert) Nick (ePortfolio expert) Pros More efficient Individual Staff Recognition Cons Inefficient when expert out on vacation, sick days….
Emphasis on Quality Assurance Part of software development cycle Iterative tests for OSP 2.1 (Dec 05) Transition from random -> more formalized testing OSP RC tests (Feb 04) SAKAI test plans (Nov 05) Usability testing New for us
OCS Training Session Expansion Emphasis on electronic format Emphasis on pedagogy (not how, but WHY?)
JIRA for Task Tracking JIRA – Issue tracking & project management Way to organize staff overwhelmed with work Staff know what they are responsible for
JIRA Screenshot
Lessons Learned Everyone is a part of the process Staff need guidance to change Keep reasonable expectations We exist to support teaching and research – NOT technology
Recommendations Know thyself Find a niche Focus on your strengths Partner with similar institutions
Questions & Answers Contact Information Jeshua Pacifici Kim Gausepohl