English 212: Technical Writing Shayla Scott
Introduction Criteria Methods Research Results Conclusions Recommendations
Researched to find out if Alaska would benefit from a low-income childcare center To see if it is feasible to build a building or have the state fund a building for the childcare center Researched the costs of childcare Surveyed peoples opinions on whether they think a childcare center would be beneficial
Can Alaska fund a building for a childcare center? Do families in Alaska need a low-income childcare center? Do people agree that the cost of childcare worldwide is to expensive? Where would the best location be in Alaska to have a childcare center?
I have completed research on how much childcare costs I have completed research on what the state has to offer in assistance to childcare I have completed research on what the state has to offer people who get licensed in childcare I have completed research on the cost of a minimum wage workers salary I have completed research on a proposed plan the state of Alaska has to offer in regards to temporary assistance for needy families I have completed research for the need of good quality daycare in Alaska I have surveyed students on whether they think a low-income childcare facility in Alaska would be feasible
Majority of people that I surveyed agreed Anchorage needs a low-income childcare facility The majority of people said that the cost of childcare depends on the number of children Majority thought midtown would be the best location in Anchorage to have a facility There are resources available for parents who cannot afford childcare such as childcare assistance Some families pay as much as 1,000 dollars a month to take their children to childcare Many parents cannot afford to take their children to childcare so they stay home and in turn some have to go on welfare
Alaska would benefit from a low-income childcare Parents could go to work with a low- income childcare facility available Majority of people agree that childcare costs are too high or is increasingly expensive as the number of children who attend childcare grows 8 million dollars a year is spent on temporary assistance- for needy families for their childcare costs
Raise money to support a childcare facility Find out how much childcare centers charge for a month of full-time/part-time childcare Look more into the details of Alaska’s budget to see if funding a childcare center is an option for multiple locations See if there are resources for the volunteers or professionals to get paid (who will be working at the low-income childcare center) Hire trained professionals to oversee and train the volunteers in helping run a daycare facility Ask the state for funds to build numerous low- income childcare facilities