Religion and Peace Revision Summary
In your exam, you need to write an essay in 35 minutes on this topic Structure of the Topic Sacred Texts of Christianity Sacred Texts of Islam Principal Teachings of Christianity Principal Teachings of Islam Inner Peace in Christianity Inner Peace in Islam World Peace in Christianity World Peace in Islam In your exam, you need to write an essay in 35 minutes on this topic
Peace in the sacred texts CHRISTIANITY Only write about NEW TESTAMENT. (Know why you only write about this) Gospels, Letters of Paul and Revelation. Gospels refer to Jesus teachings/parables What did Jesus do? He died on the cross to save humanity Taught how to be at peace in his sermons. E.g. Sermon on the Mount (Beatitudes) “Blessed are the peacemakers” Parables – forgiving sins and helping others. Eg. Prodigal Son and The Good Samaritan The word ‘peace’ is mentioned over 99 times in the Bible. Jesus is called ‘prince of peace’ Eternal Peace NT peace & love. OT is about revenge
Peace in the sacred texts ISLAM Peace for Muslims is to love Allah and submit to his will. Islam means – submission to the will of Allah. Hadith – Muhammad constantly told people to be at peace in his sermons eg. Last Sermon of Muhammad. Muhammad preached about social justice Qur’an - ‘Allah prince of peace’ Heaven - ‘house of and eternal peace’
Principal teachings about peace seen in CHRISTIANITY Must mention what Jesus said and did – evidence in the sacred texts. Core Teachings - Forgiveness, Love, Service and Justice. Just War theory – Christians don’t use that anymore. Jesus taught “love thy enemies and pray for those who persecute you” Jesus taught “love thy God and thy neighbour” Today Christians use the values of the New Testament and model of Christ.
Principal teachings about peace seen in ISLAM Qur’an and Hadith Pacifism Founder – Muhammad Just War - 4 aspects of permissible use of force Jihad/will of Allah – strive individually for goodness. Peace is the fundamental aim True peace can only exist where there is justice.
Inner peace CHRISTIANITY Give examples Paul: Conversion Peace = love of God and others Letters Corinthians “love is not is patient, love is kind” Prayer - Jesus teaches the Lords Prayer Mass & Service to others Forgiveness –Parable of the Prodigal Son Gospel of John – “I leave you peace, my peace I give you” Jesus was giving the disciples inner peace and spiritual peace.
Inner peace ISLAM Muhammad, Khadijah and sacred texts Friday mosque worship Sabr –patience, Qudr – divine worship, Taqwa – God consciousness Sufism No world peace can be achieved without inner peace 5 pillars – Muslims express inner peace through the pillars. Don’t just name them, explain how they are about peace.
World Peace Public Statements Organisations/Leaders Educational programmes and days of commemoration
World Peace - CHRISTIANITY Public Statements: Pacem in Terris and Mater et Magistra (John XXIII) World Council of Churches makes regular public statements about the need to refrain from war. “That violence may never again, be justified by appeals to religious motives“(John Paul II 1996 Day of World Peace)
World Peace Christianity continued 2. Organisations and programmes: Uniting Church Board of Social Responsibility, the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council and NCCA Society of Friends (Quakers) and the Catholic Workers Movement promote active non-violence to promote justice and equity. Pax Christi – review 6 principles to achieve world peace
World Peace Christianity - continued 3. Educational programmes and days of commemoration: The Columbian Mission Institute for Justice, Ecology and Peace AND Columbian Centre for Christian-Muslim Dialogue Liturgical events on public days of remembrance Anzac Day Palm Sunday World Day of Peace
World Peace - ISLAM Public Statements The NSW Islamic Council website after 9/11 “ these killings and atrocities have absolutely no sanction in Islam” Individual leaders eg. Amah Perez has facilitated interfaith peace statements “The murder of innocents in the name of God is a desecration of his holy name.”- Muslims in Holy Land
World Peace – Islam Continued 2.Organisations and Programmes: Council for American-Islamic relations – peace in Iraq The Council for Muslims Interfaith Relations - statements about building peace in conflict areas by eradicating poverty, health care for woman, peace education and social justice programs.
World Peace Islam continued 3. Educational programmes and days of commemoration: The Jewish Arab Centre for Peace in Israel The Hope Flowers School in Palestine and the School for Peace in Israel for Jews and Muslims - an oasis of peace amidst conflict that has trained over 35,000 students
HSC Trends 2013-2009 2013 – Inner Peace from 2 religious traditions 2012 – World Peace from 1 religious tradition 2011 – Sacred Texts & Beliefs from 2 religious traditions 2010 – Inner AND/OR World peace from 2 religious traditions 2009 – Principal teachings from 1 religious tradition
Religion & Peace You are allocated 35 minutes to construct a response Spend 3 minutes planning first!